In the dust of his departure, I took out the ruvens and realized it was enough to last me two months. When I walked back to Yeng's store, The Famous Cock Tavern, he gave me all the booze I could want on the house, and even more ruvens to live off of. That night I tried to have a threesome with two hookers in the motel room but couldn't maintain an erection. I kept seeing Mister Logan's mangled body. I paid them anyway and drank myself to tears, then to sleep. The same thing happened the day after, and the day after that. For a few days whatever soul I had left was trapped in that garage, and for those few nights, I honestly believed that I killed myself.
One month later...
I found her. Pressing the button twice didn't stop the bus, took me a while to realize the button was broke. Standing up, wiggling my way to the front, I pointed to the next stop only for the bus driver to say: This is the 39A, we don't stop there.