Chapter 20

As the party went on well into the night, Cassius, awake and alone in his extravagant room, penned a Haiku for Ryia with a feather pen. He dipped manically in the inkwell, conjuring the perfect words for his love by candlelight. He planned to have it sent by griffin carrier so it would reach her within a few days. He was hesitant to leave the room at first and be tempted by the half-naked, drunken harlots all over the place. But eventually he took his chances. As he walked past Gamon's door, he heard loud screams of passion between what seemed like him and two women, possibly another man as well.

Cassius made it onto the main street, marveling at the rune's effect on Legato, and how stunning it had become in such a short time. The paved road bordered with lively azaleas. After he gazed at the attractive landscape, he found himself in front of the griffin carrier office. The mighty creature cawed loudly and stretched out his majestic golden wings from behind the office where a nest was placed. The griffins have large beige mail pouches hanging on both sides, underneath their wings. A short, elf looking man sitting in a high chair wearing a pointy hat worked behind the glass.

"What say you? Assistance yes?" the short man spoke.

"I need to have this sent to my homeland, a small village just south of Silverbell. They are letters for my wife and children."

The griffin cawed loudly once more, trying to convey anger. Cassius flinched from the sound.

"Surely you treat your animals fairly?" questioned Cassius.

"Needn't you mind, three to five days maximum wait time. What is your name?"


".....the wizard, on assignment from the Arcane militia?"


"We have something for you."

The short man handed Cassius a brown envelope that was sealed with the militia's insignia, signifying its level of importance.

Gamon and Cassius sat in Gamon's luxurious room, now free from the many courtesans that were partying in his bed before. Gamon broke the seal with a letter opener, and read it in his head. Cassius looked as his eyes scrolled from left to right.

"Apparently a man named Quinn has been promoted to oversee our operation, and requires that we remain in Legato for an extended stay."

"What happened to Logan? Hmmm, the name Quinn does have some familiar feel to it."

"We do what we are told, don't we Cassius?" quipped Gamon, as he folded the letter back together.

"In the morning we shall speak with Zugarod, and make all the proper arrangements. Till then old friend." Gamon motioned for Cassius to leave. He noticed the gesture, and took it rudely.

"Try not to make too much noise, Romeo."

The yellow star above was unusually hot when the morning came, and directly under the blaze was Gamon, standing a few feet from Zugarod in the middle of the main street. The entire village gathered and watched the exchange. Cassius attempted to intervene, but was held back by Legato soldiers. They appeared to have cheap uniforms, rusted chainmail on all of them.

"This is not necessary! We were ordered to stay by the Arcane militia! Does this not hold weight, we have just saved..." the round blunt end of a thick wooden staff smashed into Cassius's face, shutting him up. Gamon noticed, then stared back at Zugarod, trying to read him.

"I don't care for the sanctions, nor government. I told you, NOTHING is off-limits in Legato. And now that I am in the presence of such a unique person...I must take this opportunity," giggled Zugarod as he slid a broad sword to Gamon's feet. He unsheathed his own from his side and pointed the blade at him.

"Duel with me to the death, if you win, this entire town is yours. If I win, I can rest my mind, it's been swirling with these immortal rumors. I must know."