Chapter 35


"Yes...knight Drago?"

"Why is there a two thousand pound Goliath running free in the sewers of Ducad?"

"We were told that a larger number of enemies would be here, and that, given the circumstances..."


"...Yesum, lord, knight, um sir Drago?"

"Why did headquarters just mention that a Golem was on the way?"

"Well...based on the Intel, we, or I thought that maybe the Goliath wasn't enough, sir."



"Do you know why nepotism is a bad thing?"

"...what's nepotism again, sir?"

At the prison compound,

...The Black Knight spots his prize at the end of the hallway, and slithers towards it. Fangs beginning to protrude at the sight of his meal. He sees Felicity, alive, lying on the hard cold ground within the cell. His eyes light up, and he walks inside. She flinches upon the sound, even noise hurt, and without looking, places out her palm, signaling 'please, no more'.
