100% Creation Rate.

Cao Huang changed to his Second Character, Death and again started to grind the monsters in the Undead forest.

He started to search for an opponent to check the power of his Second Character. Soon he found another Skeleton Archer in the distance. Cao Huang quickly closed in and waved his hand. Out of nowhere a Scythe formed in the air. This was his [Reaper's Scythe of Desolation]. He swung his scythe at the Skeleton Archer's chest. Boom! unlike the last time where his hand and weapon trembled upon the impact, this time it was the Skeleton Archer that was sent flying. A big damage of - 157 appeared on the Skeletal Archer's head. In a single hit it's HP of 950 was reduced by 17%.

Cao Huang was astonished at the damage he dealt to the Skeleton Archer. This was the effect of Death's high attributes coupled with the 20% damage reduction the Skeleton Archer suffered due to his Emperor of Death's Successor Title.

When the Skeleton Archers stood up another - 20 appeared on top of it's head. This was the life steal passive skill of his reaper class.

The Skeleton Archer stood up and a huge gash was visible on it's chest. This showed how sharp and powerful his new weapon was. Previously he wasn't able to use his daggers on the Undead because of their high physical defence. But this time the result was totally different.

The Skeleton Archer stood up and fired multiple arrows at Cao Huang, who just stood there and didn't interrupt the attack.

Just as the arrows were close to him, Cao Huang, raised his scythe and sliced multiple times. The arrows were cut into several pieces. This was absolutely impossible for a normal player but to Cao Huang whose eye sight and reflexes had been constantly stimulated by the Vilariun, this was easy.

Cao Huang was done playing, he slowly walked up to the Skeleton Archer while deflecting it's attacks. In another six strikes without using any skills, Cao Huang killed the Skeleton Archer.

Lost in hunting the undead, Cao Huang didn't realize how much time had passed. Only when he received the system notification informing him that the server closing time had arrived, did Cao Huang knew that he had been hunting for more than 30 hours in the Undead Forest. At the end of the day he had acquired about 300 Death Grass, 19 pieces of Bronze equipment, 3 pieces of silver equipment, 4 silvers worth of bronze coins and 49000 Experience points which were instantly converted to 54 Death Points.

Cao Huang came to a safe place and logged out.

As usual Cao Huang was covered in sweat. He picked up the gym equipment and started to train. The whole day was uneventful and again at night Cao Huang put on his Gaming helmet and logged in.

Cao Huang after logging in, exited the Undead Forest and headed back to the Morning Dew Town as Drifting Leaf. While on the way, he changed his old armor for the [Solitary Ghost Set]. To avoid further exposure, Cao Huang hid the silver glow of his armor, which made it look like an ordinary Bronze armor. But still, an ordinary bronze grade armor was extremely difficult to come by. So his plan of avoiding the exposure went to the dust.

Cao Huang went to the rent an alchemy room at the Alchemy Association.

"Welcome, Sir Emperor of Death's Successor. It is an honour for us that you visited the Alchemy Association. May I ask what do you want to buy?" As soon as he entered the establishment, he was greeted by a frightened manager.

"No, I am not here to buy anything. Can you show me your alchemy rooms? I want to rent one for sometime." answered Cao Huang.

"Yes, yes. We rent four kinds of rooms. A beginner alchemy room, an intermediate alchemy room, an advance alchemy room and lastly the master alchemy room. What kind of room would you like to rent?" asked the manager.

"What is the hourly rent for all four of these rooms?"

"The beginner alchemy room costs 10 bronze coins per hour, the intermediate room costs 20 bronze coins per hour, the advance costs 60 while the master room costs 2 silver coins per hour."

"Give me the intermediate room for 5 hours."

"Yes that would be 1 silver coin but as your status is high, you only have to pay 60 bronze coins." Cao Huang didn't ask more and after paying, immediately entered the room.

Once inside, Cao Huang took out the [Fear Negation Potion Recipe] and clicked to learn it. Immediately the recipe turned into a streak of light that entered his forehead.

System: You have learned to make the [Fear Negation Potion].

Cao Huang quickly took out all the 300 Death Grass he had. Before coming here he had also used 80% of his wealth to buy the auxiliary herbs for the production of fear negation potion.

Cao Huang estimated that the creation rate of the Death's Book should be around 20%. This meant that he could create about 60 [Fear Negation Potions] from this batch of herbs.

Cao Huang summoned the Death's Book and opened the 'create' section. Cao Huang searched for the [Fear Negation Potion] and after finding it, he tapped on the create button. A window appeared before him which asked the amount of herbs he had with him. Cao Huang typed 300 and a notification appeared before him asking him to confirm if he wanted to use all 300 sets of the herbs to create the fear negation potions.

Just as Cao Huang confirmed the message. A bright light came form the book and all the herbs that were placed in front of him disappeared.

Seeing this Cao Huang was startled, he felt like he had been scammed. He searched everywhere around the room but couldn't find a single potion.

As a last resort he opened his inventory and was stunned to see something he had never imagined in his wildest dreams.

His inventory was filled with fear negation potions. Not twenty, not sixty, not hundred or two hundred but there were 300 bottles of potions present inside. This meant that the Death's Book offered 100% creation rate.

"100% creation rate.... " Cao Huang was just stumped for words. He didn't expect that the book would offer him perfect creation rate.

The market price of the herbs used, including the Death Grass should be around 3 bronze coins. Even if he sold each potion at 6 bronze coins per bottle, he would make around 9 silver coins in profits.

Thinking of this he was extremely excited. He went to the commercial area of the town and set up a stall there. As the 10-man Dungeon, the Spider Queen's Cavern had been opened for slightly more than five hours, the whole place was buzzing. Players were trying hard to find something which will help them to clear the dungeon.

Till now, nobody had been able to clear the dungeon. The fear status was just too vicious. The 20% reduction in the Defense rendered the MTs helpless. They could cope up with Movement Speed reduction and attack speed reduction but the defense reduction had them really frustrated. Once the team's MT died, the other members fell like dominoes. So anything that could help them to reduce the fear effect would sell like hotcakes.

Since the time Cao Huang had set up the stall, fifteen minutes have passed, still no one visited him. He was getting frustrated and was about to move his stall to another place when he saw a group of people coming towards his side.

"Man, that dungeon is just a cheat. We have attempted it at least seven times, only to suffer seven team wipeouts. This is just too frustrating." said the level 3 Druid.

"Yeah, that fear status those spiders inflict before dying is too ruthless. If we can find something to reduce it even by 5%, then we can surely become the first team to clear that dungeon." said the female Shaman while shaking her head in frustration.

"But the problem is, where can we find such items? Fear reduction items are super rare at this game. At least in this town, no one possesses them. Even if someone possesses them, who would want to sell them?" said another of their team member.

"Let's just go and hunt some monsters. Clearing that dungeon isn't a child's play. We have to wait at least till we all reach level 5 in order to have a guaranteed chance of clearing it." suggested the Level 3 Swordsman.

"There is only one stall left. If we still can't find something we will go with your suggestion." said the Level 4 Ranger who clearly acted as the leader of the team.

"We can do that but don't get your hopes high." replied the Level 3 Swordsman.

There were about 11 members who were coming his way. Hearing that he was the only one selling fear reduction items, he quickly increased the prices of the potions he was selling.

"Greetings! Fellow player. May I ask what you are selling." asked the Ranger.

"Fear negation potions." answered Cao Huang quickly.

"See what did I tell you. It's a waste of time to find something here." said the Level 3 Swordsman who was lost in his own thoughts.

As the Swordsman didn't hear his teammates reply, he turned and saw that all of them had their mouth wide opened.

"What did you say?" asked the Ranger in a tone of disbelief.

"I said I am selling fear negation potions." replied Cao Huang calmly.

All of the teammates sucked in a mouthful of breath.

"Can you share the attributes of the potion." The ranger asked Cao Huang. "Yes, no problem." he shares the attributes of the fear negation potion with the ranger. "Not bad right?" asked Cao Huang after seeing the ranger's stunned face.

"Not bad? You call this not bad?" the ranger was puzzled at how Cao Huang was rating his potions. "How many of them do you have?" the ranger got straight to the point. "I have about 50 of these potions with me right now." said Cao Huang after pondering for a bit. To which the ranger asked, "How much will you take per potion?" Cao Huang thought for a bit and after some thinking he replied, "10 bronze coins per potion." Ten bronze coins per potion? The team members immediately started to discuss among themselves and after some consideration they decide to buy all the potions Cao Huang had. "We will buy all the 50 fifty potions you have. If you make more of them, then please contact us first. We will buy the next batch of potions at 12 bronze per potion if you do so."

"Alright, if I make more of them; you will be the first one I will contact."

The ranger sent a friend request to Cao Huang. Cao Huang checked his friend list and saw that the ranger's name was Piercing Needle. Cao Huang accepted the friend request and went back to the the alchemy room after closing his stall. Like this he had made a profit of 3 silvers and 50 bronze coins.