
Aiming for the fastest time, Cao Huang rushed deeper inside the Spider Queen's Cavern. On the way he encouraged Several more monsters but this time they were the Spider Guards.

[Spider Guard] (Normal, Arachnid)

Level 5 (Night Effect)

HP 1000/500 (Night Effect)

"These guys are so big." Cao Huang said.

"Wait till you see the Spider Queen." Said Vilariun.

The Spider Guards before Cao Huang were almost two meters in size. That venomous drool leaking from their mouth and those red eyes make them look terrifying.

As they sensed Cao Huang approaching, the nearest of them used [Web Restraint] Skill to fire threads of web towards him. This ability to shoot web was the main difference between the Spider Infants and the other spiders, this also made them more terrifying to dealt with. Cao Huang knew that it won't be good if he got entangled because of these webs. Although these spiders weren't that much of a threat to Cao Huang because of his high defense but it would be clearly detrimental to Cao Huang's aim to have the fastest clear. He didn't want the record he set to be broken down any sooner.

Cao Huang used his speed to dodge the incoming threads and after using [Eyes Of Death], he struck at the vital point of the Spider Guard. - 101, - 145, -190, - 99.... In several second Cao Huang had finished off the Spider Guard. Without giving the other Spider Guards any chance to react, Cao Huang immediately resumed his attacks on the other Spider Guard. In just over fifty seconds Cao Huang had killed the six Spiders Guards. Killing them awarded Cao Huang with 3500 exp, 4 four Spider Fangs , a single Spider Poison Sac and 12 Bronze Coins.

After another ten minutes of hunting Cao Huang had acquired a total of 34 Lesser Spider Silks, 19 Spider Fangs, 11 Poison Sacs, 7 pieces of Level 5 basic equipments, a single piece of level 5 Bronze equipment and 2 silver worth of bronze coins.

"Haha, what a good drop rate. It even dropped a piece of level 5 bronze chain mail. Bronze equipment of Level 5 and above are rare at this stage." Cao Huang said happily.

"This is all because you are hunting the monster at night time. If it was day time, you wouldn't have even gotten 50% of your current drops." said Vilariun.

"Still it is good." Cao Huang said while running froward. "Look there is an opening at some distance. May be it's where the Spider Queen resides."

In the opening in front of Cao Huang there was a huge Spider. It's size should be around 10 meters and it possess four pairs of purple eyes. It's fangs alone were as long as Cao Huang whole arm. If it was day time then it's attacks would have been easily stopped by Cao Huang's Solitary Ghost set. But with it's double attack Power due to night time, even it is isn't able to pierce through the armor; It should be able to leave quite an impact if it's attack is received head-on.

There may have been a huge Spider in front of him but Cao Huang's eyes were glued upon the thing that lay with in the centre of the opening.

"Treasure chest....and a gold one at that." Cao Huang was ecstatic.

It should be known that even in the Undead Forest which is Level 10 map, the highest ranked of chest Cao Huang opened was a silver rank. Although this Spider Queen's Cavern may be a level 5 dungeon but the loot from this gold rank treasure chest shouldn't be any worse than the silver chest from the Undead Forest. It may be possible that due to the night effect, Cao Huang may be able to find something good from this chest before him.

Cao Huang went towards the centre of the opening and waited for the Spider Queen to descend.

[Spider Queen] (Arachnid, One-star Boss) (Level 5)

HP 3000/1500 (Night Effect)

The Spider Queen was much stronger than the Spider Gaurds, though not in terms of Attack Power and Movement Speed. Instead, Spider Queen had its highly potent venom and its tough and sticky silk. It also possessed superb eyesight. Even if its surroundings were pitch-black, the Spider Queen would still be able to see clearly, as if it were daytime. Moreover, its eyes also provided it with a 360-degree field of vision without any gaps in between.

The Spider Queen could spot any attempt Cao Huang made to attack it from a distance of five to ten yards. But being night time, this ability also increased from to ten to twenty yards, making the situation slightly difficult for Cao Huang.

Cao Huang didn't wait for the Spider Queen to attack but himself took the initiative. He unsheathed his daggers and jumped toward the Spider Queen which was still in process for descending from the ceiling. Activating the Eyes of death, Cao Huang stabbed the daggers towards the defenseless underbelly of the Spider Queen. The Spider Queen was still descending so it was unable to completely about avoid the stab. It could only used its eight legs to form a protective shield around that area.

But how could a measly level 5 Boss block Cao Huang's stab which had about 580 kg of Force behind it. This stab depleted - 78 health points of the Spider Queen. The resulting impact sent the Spider Queen flying backwards so it's web line snapped and it hurtled straight towards the rocky ground.


The bigger they are, the hardest they fall.

The Spider Queen without any spider web to slow it's descent dropped to the ground viciously back first. It's big size couple with it's heavy weight made it suffer a heavy damage of - 460 and the point of impact littered with cracks. It still had its 82% of health points remaining.

The Purple-eyed Spider Queen was furious. Rotating its body, it spat a stream of dark-green venom at Cao Huang. Cao Huang reacted to the attack quickly andswiftly dodged to the side, avoiding the attack completely. He then used Force to escape.

The place where the Spider Queen's venom landed was charred black. From this Cao Huang speculated the potency of it's venom, which was no less than an acid. If he stood his ground to fight the Spider Queen , the end result would be obvious—he would inevitably die of poisoning.

Meanwhile, Cao Huang was using kiting method to deal with the Spider Queen. He would use Force in his attacks to inflict damage upon the Spider Queen and when it was preparing to attack, he would again use Force to instantly increase the distance between them. Using the Eyes of Death and striking at the Vital point of the Spider Queen, Cao Huang would occasionally inflict critical hits and the damages of over -200 would appear on the Spider Queen's head. As the Force skill was at Level 3, sometimes it would also induce a fainted effect on the Spider Queen. Although it was only for a second or two but it was enough for Cao Huang to deal some extra damage to it.

Aside from Venom Attack, the only other ranged attack the Spider Queen possessed was Silk Bind. However, these two skills were simply superfluous when used against Cao Huang. Cao Huang simply made an effortless sidestep to dodge these attacks and then delivered multiple attacks to the Spider Queen.

Following which, the Spider Queen's HP bar constantly decreased.

62%… 45%… 33%… 20%…

Within a few minutes , the Spider Queen died at Cao Huang's hands as well.

System: You have killed the [Spider Queen]. Experience points doubled due to the night effect. Awarding with 4100 Experience Points.

System: Congratulations! User is the first one to clear the Spider Queen's Dungeon at hard mode. Experience points doubled due to the night effect. Awarding with 20000 Experience Points. Being the first above normal solo dungeon clear, awarding User with the title of [One Man Army]. 5 free weapon Mastery points Awarded. Proficiency of all skills increases by 100 points.

After hearing all the notifications, Cao Huang went to Spider Queen's corpse to collect it's loot.

The Spider Queen had dropped Spider Queen's poison sac, Spider Queen's Fang, Spider Queen's Silk, Spider Queen's skin, a forging design for a level 5 basic weapon and a key.

After that Cao Huang went close to the gold ranked treasure chest and found it to be locked. He used the key he had obtained from the Spider Queen's corpse to unlock it. The treasure chest opened with a golden glow emanating from it.

"This..... " Cao Huang kept everything he had obtained from the gold rank treasure chest and decided to inspect them later in some free time.

Meanwhile, outside.....

Morning Dew Town Region System Announcement: Congratulations to Drifting Leaf for becoming the first Player to conquer the Hard Mode of Spider Queen's Cavern. He will be awarded with 20 reputation points in Morning Dew Town.

Ever-Green City Region Announcement: Congratulations to Drifting Leaf for becoming the first Player to conquer the Hard Mode of Spider Queen's Cavern. He will be awarded with 5 reputation points in Ever-Green City.

As it was Night time, not many players were daring enough to hunt monsters outside, so the majority of the players were inside their town area, selling materials, items, equipment.... The whole place was buzzing with player and their swarm was no less than that of daytime. In fact, it was even bigger due to the difficulty of getting out of town at night, so every player belonging to their respective towns was inside it.

"Team leader, what do you think had become of that player who entered the dungeon all alone?" asked someone.

"Haha, is there even any need to ask. That guy was nuts going inside the dungeon all alone. He even chose the hard mode and also that at night period. The normal mode clearer and the best team right now, Shades of Sorrow had attempted to clear the hard mode of Spider Queen's Cavern multiple times but were always wiped out before reaching the 50% mark. It had to be known that all the members of the team are Level 5 players. Many guilds of this town and other towns have expressed their intentions to recruit them but without any success. All of those players are very experienced and can fight with multiple opponents of the same level. So how can that player be able to conquer the Hard mode when the Shades of Sorrow wasn't able to conquer even half of it. He must be dreaming of he thinks he can do it."

System Announcement: ....

When the first system announcement rang.....

"What the fuck! Which heavenly team cleared the hard mode of the Spider Queen's Cavern?"

"Drifting Leaf?.... Doesn't ring any bell. Could it be some super guild that had changed their name?"

"Are you sure that it was team who cleared it? I think the system announced that it was a player?"

"Pffft! Hahaha! A player? You must be deaf as well as high if you heard or think that a single player was able to clear the hard mode of the Spider Queen's Cavern."

"I guess so.... It must be my imagination."

The second announcement rang...

"Did you hear it clearly? It just said that it was a PLAYER who conquered it."

"Yeah, so it wasn't your imagination. Who the hell is this player?"

When that team leader who kicked Cao Huang out of the party heard the announcement again, he was dumbfounded.

"Could it be him !..... Could it really be him." he said flabbergasted. "How was he able to single-handedly clear the dungeon?"

"We will see if it's really him when we get there. Let's go quickly before he leaves." That team leader and his team immediately departed towards the entrance of the Spider Queen's Cavern, so did the other players and teams who heard the announcement.

"Boss, isn't Drifting Leaf that alchemist, who we bought the fear negation potions from?" said Falling Blade standing outside the tavern.

"No doubt about it. In the game, two players can't possess a single name. The system won't allow that to happen." Answered Piercing Needle.

"But how can an alchemist single-handedly clear the hard mode of the dungeon when we weren't even able to clear the half of it. Also all of our members are level 5." Questioned Falling Blade. "Could it be that he knows of some kind of bug inside the dungeon?"

"Bugs? I don't think that's the case. The whole game is free from any bugs or glitches. It must be something else." Piercing Needle corrected him. "We can ask him when we see him. Let's meet him before others do."

Piercing Needle led his Shades of Sorrow towards the dungeon's entrance.