Mordier's Deed!

Opening his inventory, Cao Huang first inspected the loot he had obtained after killing the monsters in Spider Queen's Cavern.

[Spider Silk] (Creation Material)

Description: Can be used to make different items.

[Spider Fang] (Creation Material)

Description: Used in making weapons.

[Spider Poison Sac] (Creation Material)

Description: Can be used to increase the potency of any poison. It can also be directly applied on a weapon surface to deal poison damage.

After that Cao Huang inspected the forging design he had obtained after killing the Spider Queen.

[Fanged Blade] (Forging Design, Normal Grade)

Equipment Requirement: Level 5

Restrictions: Melee Categories.

Materials Required: Spider Fang, Refined Iron, Dusk Wood.

"Why can't I see the weapon attributes?" asked Cao Huang.

"It is because the attributes of the weapon are unclear. The attributes depend upon the forger's forging skill. The more proficient the forger is the more extra attributes the weapon shall posses." answers Vilariun.

"Then what type of weapon this Fanged Blade is? I don't know if this is suitable for a Swordsman, Assassin or whatever. There are no wielding restrictions displayed on the information panel." Said Cao Huang. "It only shows that it is restricted to melee players."

"These type of weapons don't have any wielding restrictions. Be it Swordsmen, Assassins, Rangers, Berserkers or any other melee class. Everyone can use it. But if the forgers wants, he can also create a specialized version for different classes. This makes the weapon possess attributes which are more suitable for the given class." Explained Vilariun.

"Oh!" Cao Huang nodded his head and continued inspecting the other items. Now it was turn to inspect the items he gained from the gold ranked treasure chest.

The first thing he obtained from the chest was a Level 5 bronze Grade Bow.

[Majestic Bow] (Bow, Bronze Grade)

Level 5 Equipment.

Requirement: Strength +6, Agility +5


Strength +2

Agility +1

Firing Rate 15%

Accuracy Rate 20%

HP +30

Additional Effect: Every 1 out of 10 arrows have a chance to slow down the opponents Movement Speed by 10%.

Restrictions: Rangers.

"What a good Bow! Although I can't use it but putting it up for auction will help me earn some more coins." Said Cao Huang.

He put back the bow and continued inspecting the remaining items.

The second item was three pieces of Black Steel. It was a rare forging material which can be used in an item creation to increase the forging rate by 5%. This number may not sound like a lot but the forging rate of an apprentice forger is only 5%. Adding this piece of Black Steel means doubling the forging rate of the item. It was a wondrous material for forgers but for Cao Huang who had 100% creation rate, this was useless. He could sell these three pieces of Black Steel to a forger for a heavy price.

The third item he obtained from the chest was an accessory. It was a piece of bronze colored necklace.

[Reinforcement Necklace]

Requirements: Strength 5, Agility 5, Vitality 3, Intelligence 4.


All attributes +5

Defense +16

HP +200

Cao was really happy to see this necklace. Accessories and equipment that increases all attributes are extremely rare. He wasn't hoping to find something this good in a level 5 dungeon. These type of items are even difficult to find in higher level. dungeons.

Cao Huang immediately equipped the Reinforcement Necklace. After equipping the Reinforcement Necklace and the Solitary Ghost Set his attributes had seen a sudden increase.

Character: Cao Huang(Human)

Affiliated Kingdom: Ever-Green

Title: Emperor Of Death's Successor.

Category: Assassin (Yet to acquire an advance class)

Level: 5 (Experience: 48700/62000)

HP: 815/815

Physical Attack Power: 77

Defense: 45

Attack Speed: 13

Movement Speed: 15

Attributes: Strength: 35, Agility: 33, Endurance: 15, Intelligence: 12, Vitality: 12.

Free Attribute Points: 0

"The only place you are currently lacking is the Speed department. Although it is more than other players but compared to your other attributes it is somewhat lacking." Said Vilariun while advising Cao Huang. "Maintaining a balance between your attributes will help you to get more adept at using your body. The more adept you are at using your body, the more advantageous it will be for you when you are trying to surpass 100% efficiency rate."

"Is the current efficiency rate of my skills 100%?" Asked Cao Huang.

"No, all skills start with a 65% efficiency rate. With every three level increase in your skill level, that particular skill will display an additional 5% efficiency. Which means that a skill at level 3 will display 70% efficiency rate, skill level at level 6 will display 75% efficiency rate and vice versa. But surpassing 90% efficiency rate not only requires the suitable skill level, certain amount of body control is also required." Explained Vilariun.

Cao Huang nodded his head and inspected the last of the remaining items. The gold ranked treasure chest consisted of only five items.

The last item was a piece of paper enclosed within a glass scroll holder. From how carefully it was placed, a person could estimate that it's value wasn't low.

[Mordier's Deed] (Property Item)

Description: Mordier was the owner of 3-Star shop in Ever-Green City. Years ago, his shop started to decline so he went to the Spider Queen's Cavern in search for some valuable treasures that he could sell inside his shop but he greatly underestimated the Spider Queen and was greatly wounded. Before dying, he didn't want his shop to become owner less so he hid his shop's deed somewhere inside the Cavern. He once wrote in his will that whoever comes to possess this dead will become the new owner of the shop.

Effect: Take this deed to the Ever-Green City Hall to become the new owner of Mordeir's shop.

After reading the description, Cao Huang was thunderstruck. He was just staring blankly at the deed in his hands. This was to be expected because in right now the cheapest plot of land in a town is priced at one gold while the cheapest plot of land in a city starts from 5 gold coins. But the plot in Cao Huang's hand is located in the capital of the Kingdom, so it's price should be higher than that.

"Well, well, well, I didn't expect this to drop from a Level 5 dungeon. This means that you must be the first person in the entire game that had soloed a hard mode dungeon. The server must have conferred this special reward to you for this achievement." Said Vilariun.

Cao Huang was really happy at obtaining this plot. Although he would gain a lot of money by selling this but he wasn't planning on doing so. The prices of plots in the game are bound to increase in the near future. There will come a time when even spending thousands of gold coins won't guarantee you the acquisition of a simple piece of land.

"Since you have obtained this, setting up a shop should be your first priority. This would ensure you a steady stream of income." Said Vilariun.

"I was having the same thoughts. The earliest I could get this shop running, the more profits I can reap." Said Cao Huang excitedly.

Cao Huang exited the alchemy room and was walking towards the commercial area when he saw Piercing Needle waiting for him around the corner. Upon seeing Cao Huang, he revealed a happy expression and walked towards him.

"I guess that you want to know my secret of clearing the dungeon." Said Cao Huang.

"I wanted to ask-"

"You don't have to ask. Since we have a little bit of friendship, I must tell you that there is no secret of clearing the dungeon. It only depends upon your skills." Said Cao Huang interrupting Piercing Needle.

"No, no, it's not that. I just wanted to ask if you are free tomorrow." Said Piercing Needle while waving his hands in denial.

"Why do you ask?" Asked Cao Huang raising his eyebrows.

"We wanted to invite you to raid this dungeon with us. But of course, we will compensate you properly for hiring your services. Does fifteen silver coins sounds like a good price to you?" Offered Piercing Needle.

Cao Huang pondered for a bit before answering. "Well, I am not free tomorrow morning but if you can wait till the afternoon then I we can make some time to go with you guys. In addition, I also want 40% of the loot obtained from the dungeon itself."

"I can't make this decision on my own. Let me consult with my teammates." Said Piercing Needle while smiling wryly.

"Go ahead."

For more than two minutes, Piercing consulted his teammates and came with an answer.

"Well, handing over 40% of the total loot is too much for us as we all have to share the remaining 60% among ourselves. It's likely that we won't obtain any profit after that. But if you can make it twenty five percent then you will also get the first pick of the items we obtain." Counter offered Piercing Needle.

"Deal." Cao Huang was happy with this offer. He himself was hoping to get around ten percent. He started with forty percent just to settle down at ten.

"Also do you have more of those fear negation potions? If you can bring those over with you before starting our raid then we will buy them from you at twenty bronze coins per bottle."

"No problem."