
Chapter 23

When I woke in the morning, it was to the sound of arguing.

"She deserves to die!"a woman was screaming.

It was not a pleasant way to start the day, especially since I was pretty sure the "she"was me.

"She's mine,"the male voice was one I recognized, and I tried desperately to subdue the fear it sent spiraling through me.

If I wanted to get out of there, I needed to put on my big girl panties and figure it out without letting my fear get the best of me.

"She's bewitched my husband."

Uh-oh; one guess who that was. It was turning out to be a bad day, and I hadn't even opened my eyes yet.

"He's not your husband anymore, Sif,"Huitzilopochtli put no emotion into the words, merely stated a fact.

Sif still didn't take kindly to it, and she wasn't shy about letting him know. She screamed; a sound of pure rage.

"Don't tell me what is or is not between Thor and me!"