
Chapter 25

"Do you still have house guests?"

He looked up and raised both brows at my obvious subject change. "I do; we'll dine with them tonight. I wanted to spend the day alone with you."

"Aren't they here for nasty god business?"The eggs were so delicious that I was having mouth orgasms, but it was getting harder and harder for me to enjoy them. "Won't they be mad if you blow them off?"

"Yes, and yes."He laughed as if their irritation only added to his joy. "Have you not learned yet, Vervain? I'm the master here; none of them can match my power. They'll wait if I tell them to."

"But their goals are your goals, right? I mean; wouldn't you rather be working on new ways to destroy my race than be sitting here with me?"It was a bitter comment, but I'd had enough with the seduction routine. I wanted the anger back.