
Chapter 31

Asgard was the home of the Norse Gods; a part of the God Realm that could only be reached through the Aether. Near Earth, but not of it, it lay on a parallel plane to our world with the Aether holding us together like glue. When Thor saw the bite on my neck, he immediately carted both Nick and me to Asgard. More specifically, to his home; Bilskinir Hall.

It was as massive as the man himself and not even remotely resembling anything I thought a Viking Hall should look like. It was more of a palace; an edifice of soaring ceilings, tall windows, and not a single room smaller than my entire house . . . including the bathrooms. It perched atop a sheer cliff that I was told guarded the entrance to Asgard. Far below it ran a channel where the lake of Asgard met the sea.