
Chapter 29

"How good are your wards?"

He reached over the couch and pulled back both the gauze and the black-out curtain that hung over my picture window so that he could scan the front yard. I looked under his arm and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but that didn't mean Blue wasn't out there. I'd already seen how well he could hide.

"The wards will hold."I settled against Thor. "Even against him they'll hold, but I can't stay here forever."

He looked down at me sharply. "You can block him from your mind. It's not easy, but I can teach you."

I felt some of the tension slide away. "We need to do that now before Huitzilopochtli finds me."

"You're right."He took my face in his hands. "I can do a quick, temporary block right away to tide us over, if you let me in."

"Let you in?"

"To your mind."He nodded gravely. "Completely."