
Chapter 44

She's right, though."I said. We were back at Bilskinir, and I was pacing the length of Thor's library. "That wasn't just a random attack; someone's trying to kill me."

"It could be anyone,"Horus scoffed. "It's not as if you don't have any enemies."

Thor and I had to put off our lovemaking in light of Yemanja's warning. Thor called the group together to brainstorm who might be behind the werewolf attack now that we had new information. Everyone was here, including Nick, who was curled up in front of the fire. There had been a few suggestions, but only one name held any weight in my opinion.

"I've only been seriously threatened by one person lately."I threw Thor an apologetic glance. "I think it's Sif."

"Sif would kill you herself."Thor ran a hand through his hair; the skin around his eyes twitching and tightening. "I don't think she'd send a werewolf. I doubt she'd even know how to contract one."