
Chapter 52

"It's your dream, Vervain,"Teharon's gentle voice seemed out of place in Thor's bedroom. The only time I ever heard it in there was when I was injured.

We were seated before each other on the bed because Teharon thought it would be helpful to be in the place I'd be sleeping while he trained me to keep Blue out of my dreams. But keeping Blue out of my dreams wasn't really what Teharon wanted me to do. He wanted me to take control of my dreams and use it as another opportunity to get into Blue's head.

"But I need my sleep,"I whined. "I fight when I'm awake, I don't want to have to do it while I'm sleeping too."

"I'm sorry, Godhunter."Teharon's eyes went soft and sad. "We all have our battles. I would fight this for you, but I can't. This one is yours. All I can do is give you the weapons you need to prevail."

"What about a weapon to stop him from getting into my dreams?"I asked for about the fifth time.