Chapter 12

I wound through the throng; several members of which were staring aggressively at the fairy Count who was leaning so casually against their bar. As if he belonged. No, as if he owned the damn place. I felt my face settle into harsh lines as I stepped before him and crossed my arms.

"Explain your presence," I demanded.

"I was raised by courtiers." Tiernan shrugged. "I can't help having a dignified air. I apologize if I don't blend in better."

"I mean explain your presence here," I snapped. "Why are you standing here, right now, in an Extinguisher bar?"

"I'm here for you," he said as his gaze wandered over my ensemble appreciatively. "Wasn't my staring obvious enough?"

"Well, yeah." I frowned; my arms slipping down in confusion. "But why? What do you want?"

"I have a theory I'd like to share with you, but I had reservations of revealing it to the others." Tiernan leaned forward so I could hear him above the music.

"Then why didn't you tell me when I was back at the council house? Why follow me here?" I found myself leaning closer to him as well. "How did you even get in here?"

"They could hardly deny entrance to a member of the Wild Hunt," Tiernan scoffed. "And I couldn't find a moment alone with you at the council house. I was hoping to do so here."

"You call this alone?" I looked around and winced when I saw the accusing stares of my fellow extinguishers.

We were taught to like fairies, protect them and our truce, but that didn't mean we wanted them in our club; ruining our fun time and talking with our women. At least that's what the looks I was getting conveyed. Tiernan was about to get his ass kicked; Lord of the Wild Hunt or not.

"Come on, you're about to get jumped by an angry extinguisher mob." I grabbed Tiernan's hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor; casting challenging looks and combative barbs around me as we went. "That's right, he's with me. Wanna take a picture?" Stares lost their aggression under my own antagonism and most of them looked away. "Just a Lord of the Hunt, people; nothing to see here."

Almost on cue, the band began to play a slow, hip-grinding, tribal song just as we reached the dance floor. Tiernan looked a little shocked when I turned to face him; as if he were unsure of how he'd ended up in the middle of all these dancing humans. So, I took his hands and put them—none too gently—on my waist. His look transformed; intensifying into something dark and damned sexy.

Tiernan's startling eyes were bright in the shadowy atmosphere and so was the delicate scar on his cheek. They both caught the roaming lights and flashed as he settled his hands more firmly around my waist; one of them sliding up my back to pull me against his chest. I was about to protest when my hands moved up onto his shoulders of their own accord, and I found my face inches away from his.

"Tell me what you came to say." I nearly cringed when I heard the low timbre of my own voice.

"It doesn't make any sense." His face lowered half an inch further and his chest pushed into mine.

I could feel the steady pounding of his heart through the fabric between us and a sweet, woodsy scent lifted up from his warm skin to taunt me.

"What doesn't?" I blinked up at him; fascinated by the curve of his lips. They were perfect, not too full, not too thin. Masculine but still sensual.

"My team never disobeys me." Tiernan's breath caressed my cheek with a crisply clean scent like a clear stream and his hand slid over my back in lazy circles. "If you hadn't done it, I would have killed them myself for insubordination. So, why risk death just to kill one dryad?"

"Maybe they were in on the plot," I offered; trying to concentrate on what he was saying instead of the way his body molded perfectly to mine, our curves and dips fitting into each other like puzzle pieces. This attraction was insane; what was wrong with me?

"Impossible." Tiernan shook his head; his gaze shifting from my eyes to my lips. "They only leave Fairy when we hunt. There's no way for them to form such an alliance."

"Well, they allied with someone," I whispered.

"I don't think they were after Aideen," he whispered back intimately; so low that I could barely hear him.

"What?" I leaned closer until I was pressed cheek-to-cheek with him.

"I think they were after you," he spoke into my ear; igniting shivers there with the warm tickle of his breath.

"What?!" I jerked back to look up at him. His shoulders were more muscled than I'd thought, and I found myself digging my fingers into them; trying to find something firm to hold onto. "Why?"

"I don't know." We had stopped moving and were just standing there, staring at each other. "Who are you, Seren Sloane? Who are you really?"

"No one," I stammered, "just an extinguisher."

"That alone is something of merit"—he shook his head—"but you're right; it's not enough to get fairies to hunt you. So, it must be something else. What is it? Why you?"

"Why do you even think they were after me?" I shot back.

"You think it too," he said with an air of revelation. "I can see it in your face."

"All right, I've had enough dancing." I pulled him off the dance floor and headed toward the door of the club. "We need to talk about this somewhere else." Translation: I couldn't think straight when I was pressed up against him.

"Seren?" Brendan suddenly stood in front of us. "What the hell's going on?"

"Just give us a minute, Brendan." I tried to push past him, but he angled into my way again.

"I don't think so." He was staring at Tiernan with gladiatorial animosity.

"I don't need you to move for me to get past you, Extinguisher." Tiernan smiled with matching malevolence. "In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't."

"Stop it," I shot at both of them. "We're currently on the same side, but your male egos are obscuring that. So, pack them away and get on board here. Brendan, I will be back in a few minutes, and I assure you, I can kick his ass all on my own without your help... and I can kick your ass too if necessary."

Brendan blinked and then gave a surprised bark of laughter. "You always were a wild thing, and I always loved that about you, Seren," He held his hands up. "All right, go talk to the fairy, but make it quick or I'll be coming after you."

"She's not your wife yet, mini-Murdock," Tiernan said, and I groaned.

"What did you call me?" Brendan's face shifted into fury.

"I swear to God, I'll—" I blinked and then realized that I truly didn't give a shit about either of these men. "Fuck it." I dropped Tiernan's hand and just started to walk away from them both.

"Seren, where are you going?" Tiernan chased after me.

"Away from the two of you." I glanced back and saw that Brendan was following too. Stupid boys.

"We haven't finished our conversation," Tiernan tried again.

"Obviously, your conversation with Brendan has become more important to you, and Brendan seems to agree." I shot a nasty glare at Brendan. "You're welcome to each other. I'm leaving you to your bromance."

"I cannot allow you to walk back to the council house alone," Tiernan insisted.

"Hey, fairy," Brendan ground out, "she's my date; I'll take her home."

"She doesn't seem to want you to take her home," Tiernan observed smugly.

"I don't want either of you fucktards to take me home!" I shouted, and the club went as quiet as a club could get.

Then everyone cheered; shouting encouragements to me and even some offers to be the one taking me home instead of the fucktards.

"What is a fucktard?" Tiernan frowned.

"Basically, it's a stupid fucker. Or, to simplify it"—I rolled my eyes and started walking away again—"you guys."

They followed me out of the club. Of course, they did; annoying men always follow you when you try to walk away from them. I have no idea why.

"I do need to speak further with you, Seren," Tiernan said again.

"She's Extinguisher Seren to you, asshole," Brendan ground out.

I turned around and punched Brendan in the face. Yep, I was just that angry. The brilliant part was that he went down like a felled tree. I stood gaping at the fallen bulk of Brendan a second before he began to groan and rub his jaw. Tiernan didn't seem shocked at all; extremely pleased but not shocked. He waved a hand in the air and a red sports car was revealed; parked right in front of the club. Nice trick. Then he took my hand and led me over to it while Brendan was still trying to get to his feet.

"That was the most entertaining thing I've seen in a long time," Tiernan commented casually as he opened the door for me.

"Wait a minute." I stood within the open door. "I never said I was going to leave with you."

"Seren, this is an urgent matter," he said and sighed. "I know I've behaved poorly tonight, and I apologize for it but the way that man was acting with you—so presumptuous and barbaric—incurred my ire."

"He was kind of presumptuous." I sighed and slid into the leather seat. "All right, let's go."

"Thank you." Tiernan nodded and shut the door.

Brendan finally made it to a standing position and started stumbling after us as we sped away.