Chapter 17: Mutation, Part 2

"But … how?"

"We helped it to become something that could meet our needs, and then the most daring of us joined with the Centaurian who, is now our mother ship."

Bilal was bowled over. He could have never known that such a thing was possible. He looked around and ran a tentacle along the familiar walls. "But why was I never told?"

"Because it is possible—though not advised—but we can adapt to be whatever it takes to meet our own needs," Mother-Mina said.

Bilal's tentacles explored the interior walls of the mother ship. "But Centaurians have a lifespan. The mother ship has never died. How is this possible?" It would be three times older than the oldest Centaurian.

"We keep it alive," Mother-Mina explained. "So you see, young one, adapting is what we do."

"You will have to return to Earth and bring the human to the mother ship for processing and monitoring," Father-Tom said.

"Why?" Bilal asked.

"Why?" Father-Nile would have sputtered if he could have. "We can't leave her on Earth with a child as important as the one she carries. She may do it harm."

"Maybe he can take the child from her body and bring it to the ship," Father-Tom suggested.

"It might endanger the child," Father-Tom said. "Best to bring the mother along with the child."

While his parents discussed this, an idea occurred to Bilal. He cleared his throat to get their attention. "I want to go to Earth, and I want to study the human and the child. If this adaptation is to be successful, then at some point it will be necessary to reintroduce mankind to Earth. Earth Two can only handle a portion of the growing human population, and there is no reason not to utilize the resources that are already in place on Earth."

"But monitoring the humans will be impossible," Mama-Baba interjected. "They need to be monitored."

Everyone agreed except Bilal. "How can we form a true opinion unless it is researched? Since I began this I would like to see it through. And besides, the human knows me. She is older in age, and I don't think the stress of a move and reintegration will be good for her or the child."

"I agree to allow Bilal to study the human and child on Earth," Father-Nile said. "Of course, he will need to provide regular reports."

"Agreed," Father-Tom said.

"Yes," Mother-Mina said.

Bilal's joy soared, and he suppressed his pleasure as much as he could.

"But the study must have a time limit," Mama-Baba said. "I won't allow my son to be lost to humans. He will return home in five years."

Bilal was about to object when Mother-Mina stopped him with a tentacle.

"Five years is plenty of time to study the human," Mother-Mina said. "You will transmit reports once a year, and on the fifth year you will return home. We will take your advisement into consideration but will form our own opinions on whether or not it is in the best interest of all concerned to breed with man. As always, this discussion and decision is not to be discussed." She frowned. "Your human friends do not know of this, do they?"

"No. I have not discussed it with them."

Bilal had become a good liar, a fact that did not make him happy. But this was one lie he had to tell in order to protect his friends. Further, he would have to discuss this with Lawrence and Raj again. He needed to express to them the importance of not telling anyone else. He didn't want to think the worst of his parents, but deep down he knew that in the grand scope, his friends were not as important as the secret of the mother ship. Bilal shuddered to think what could happen to his friends if others suspected that they knew. Even Mother-Mina, who was the most reasonable of his parents, did not place as much value on the human species as she did on her own.

But Bilal was not like that. He saw no species as more important than any other.

Bilal returned to Earth 2 for his personal belongings.

At least that is what he told his parents. Instead, he contacted Lawrence and told him that he would meet him at his house and asked him to bring Raj.

When he arrived, Lawrence was alone.

"Where is Raj?" Bilal asked.

"He won't come. He's really pissed."

Bilal was quiet for a moment. "I'll be away, for several years actually."

"What the fuck? Are you going to jail?"

"No, I'll be on Earth."

Lawrence frowned. "Why? What happened when you told your parents?"

"Lawrence, listen to me. I don't want to be secretive and I don't want to lie to you, but there is a lot that I can't tell you right now. When I return to Earth 2 then I'll tell you everything. But you have to promise not to tell anyone about what has happened."

"Of course. Do you think that I want everyone hating you and the Centaurians more than they already do?"

Bilal shuddered. "Raj hates me, doesn't he?"

Lawrence nodded. "He'll get over it."

"I know that I had no right."

"It's more than that. Raj does not want to procreate, and he feels helpless knowing that a child of his …"

Bilal formed two tentacles and slithered around Lawrence's body. "Tell him that I am so sorry and tell him not to tell anyone. It is now a matter of national security. Do you understand? If it leaks out—if there is even a hint of it—then suspicion will turn to you two, and I cannot express how bad that will be for you two."

Lawrence nodded solemnly.

There remained an underlying fear of the Centaurians among humans, and Bilal knew that. He knew that Lawrence would do what was necessary, but Raj … Bilal wasn't sure about Raj.

"I have to go," Bilal said.

"But when will you be back?"

"I'll be gone five years."

Lawrence ran his hands through his longish hair. "Fuck, Bilal. You're not going to stop the pregnancy are, are you?"

"You know that I can't tell you anything right now."

"Bilal, just be careful. And I'll talk to Raj. He won't say anything."

"Thank you, my friend. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." He turned and moved away.

"Wait? Forgive you? Why should I forgive you? What have you done to me?"

"Keep the secret, and you both will be okay," Bilal said.

Bilal entered the pod while Lawrence watched him in confusion. He returned to the mother ship and headed straight for the lower level. This time there were no others around. It would be too late to stop him by the time they realized what was happening.

His parents had given him the idea when they told him the mother ship was a Centaurian who had allowed himself to be mutated for the needs of the others. Bilal formed a tentacle and linked to the ship. He fed Lawrence's and Raj's DNA strands into the ship, extracting what he wanted to be dominant and what he wanted to suppress. When he was satisfied, he gave his final command.

"Ship. Turn adaptation on. I want you to make me human."