Chapter 71: Madness

It caused a stab in the pit of her chest that she had frightened him. But she couldn't speak the words to soothe him because she didn't trust that her sanity had returned. For one brief moment she had given in to the abyss of her fear and loneliness and it had taken over and swept her away in its terrifying grip.

The unthinkable had happened. She'd allowed herself to remember.

But in doing so she had begun the process of healing—for the first time in over fifteen years she was allowing herself to accept what had happened, and there was no such thing as coping until she could first do that.

Raj's eyes were wary as they watched her, but he at least allowed her to stroke his hair. He was exhausted but if his eyes drifted closed they would pop open, as if he needed confirmation that she was still there.