Chapter 8

"It's in the way you talk," Tony interrupted, "the way you sit, even the way you continue to breathe even though you no longer need oxygen in your lungs." His gaze returned to me. I caught my breath and held it. Damn. He was right. I was making myself breathe. That was why there was such an air of calm about him. It wasn't only that he was a cool guy.

He wasn't breathing.

I was having a tough time staying focused on what was important instead of on how fine Tony was as he paced back and forth in front of me. "I, um, am I in trouble for killing that man last night? I mean, it was kill or be killed."

"Johan? No. Had it been an actual kill you would have been given his seat on the Council. We understand it was his recklessness that caused his death."

I could see that there was something more, or Tony wasn't exactly pleased about something, but the human part of me didn't want credit for a murder, and the Vampire part wasn't developed enough to understand why I should.

"Johan." I spoke his name. It seemed only right. "So how is it that no one knows about the existence of Vampires?"

"What do you mean, no one? Many know about us. One hand washes the other." He made a dismissive gesture with his hands as if it all bored him. "Humans want wealth and power—we want security."

"And people don't whisper your secrets?"

"Not when we tell them not to."

"Oh. Of course. So, is Tyra Banks a Vampire? Or what about Prince?"


"Well, they are just too pretty to be real."

Tony laughed. "No Vampires are permitted in the public eye. If a celebrity is turned, then he or she has to ... disappear—fake death, whatever. The Neratomay want to avoid the public eye at all costs. It's the Third Generations that want to control celebrities or turn them into food. And that's one of the reasons Third Generations are put down."

"Like so much trash," I stated bitterly. "How often will I need to take blood?"

He strolled back to stand in front of me. Dayum! He was so fine that I almost missed his answer. "That, I don't know. You're a Third and still smell of human ..."

Tony had a strange glint in his eye that made me want to protect my neck.

"We are fed by a Master who sustains us for days," Tony said. "But even before that there is the bloodlust and then we must feed, even if it's on a loved one." Tony's eyes lost its warmth.

I didn't even want to consider what loved one he had fed on.

"With Thirds, it's different," Tony said. "Some are just like the Neratomay. Some are like you."

"But what exactly is the difference between you and me?"

"You don't know you're a Vampire. We do." He studied me, making me uncomfortable. "Later. Much, much later, we remember what we once were. But by then it's usually too late." He looked at the splintered door. "We need to leave this place."

I didn't budge. "Where am I supposed to go?"

Tony smiled, and it was so sexy. "Home with me, of course." He gestured to the door. "You're not going to be able to stay here with the door wide open. Anybody could walk in or out while you are dead to the world. And if they tried to drag you out ... Let's say to the hospital ... Well, need I say more?"

I grimaced. "I could always stay at a hotel."

Tony shrugged "If you think you could do that within the next two hours. But that wouldn't give you much time to secure the room against sunlight. And if a well-meaning cleaning lady entered the room …"

"Okay, okay. I get your point." I stood. "I need to pack a bag." I hurried to the bedroom feeling manipulated.

I looked in my closet unsure of what to pack. I certainly didn't want to be all up in Tony's house dressed down when he was looking sharp. Of course, if he was going to be sleeping in some underground crypt, I was not bringing out my good stuff.

I decided on black jeans, comfortable black ankle boots, a sweater that hugged my new curves, and a multicolored button-down blouse.

I threw in my matching Victoria Secrets undies, my perfume, and my jewelry. I didn't want to take the time to go digging in my jewelry box past the silver and the crucifix, so I placed the entire thing in my overnight bag.

Fighting back sadness, I reached for a family picture on my nightstand, but when I touched it, I flew across the room into a wall. "Ahh!" I screamed, and I plunged my fingers into my mouth. Silver. Damnit! I forgot that it was in a silver frame.

There was a flash of movement that I sensed more than saw, and Tony was standing in front of me. He took hold of my arm and yanked my hand out of my mouth. "What happened?"

"Silver. I accidentally touched it." I cursed again.

Tony exhaled. I wondered why when he didn't have to breathe. He held my arm, examined my fingertips, and grimaced.

I grimaced, too. They looked like seared sausages! It hurt worse after seeing it. "Ow, ow, ow!" I cried.

He placed my fingers into his mouth. I could feel his tongue moving gently over my fingertips.

Oh my, my, my. The pain disappeared to be replaced by warmth that spread throughout my body. Each time his tongue moved over my fingertip it felt as if he were moving low over my body. I had to squeeze my legs together because it felt as if his tongue was between my thighs! My mouth hung open before I snapped it shut.

Tony released his grip on my arm. "Better?"

I nodded. I looked at my fingertips because they barely hurt at all. Hey! They were almost completely healed.

Tony had a strange smile on his face. I squeezed my knees together wondering if he had used some strange Vampire powers over more parts of my body than my fingertips.

I needed some air. My life—or whatever you wanted to call it—was taking a strange turn, and I didn't need the complication of ... what? What is this? We're both dead. I choked on the thought, and Tony patted my back.

"Let's just go," I said moving away from him.

When we walked through what was left of my door I sighed. Yes, even though my lungs were lifeless, I still sighed.

Tony propped the heavy door up into the jamb as if it was a toy. I headed to my car, but Tony didn't follow.

I turned. "What?"