Chapter 20

I heard knocking at my door. I had removed the silver jewelry and left it in a wooden bowl I had found on the bedside table for Mei Wah to dispose of, but I wrapped the crucifix in cotton and placed it on the bureau next to my bed. I decided to keep my discovery to myself just in case Tony didn't know everything Thirds could do.

"Come in."

Mei Wah entered. "Tony would like you to join him in the living room, if you please." He smiled. "You look beautiful this evening, Miss Kim."

"Thank you." I followed him up the stairs. "Mei Wah, how long have you been with Tony?"

"Since the beginning, ma'am."

"The beginning? 1929?"

"Yes, Miss. My mother died during the Depression. My brothers, sisters, and I didn't know who our father was, and to be Chinese in New York during the Depression was ... not easy."

"How old were you, Mei Wah?"

"Seven, Miss. Mr. Tony took my family to a safe house that he owned. He made them go to school and learn a trade. But me, I wouldn't do what he asked." Mei Wah chuckled. "I never went to school. I would follow Mr. Tony from a distance. One day I discovered his secret. It was strictly by accident as Mr. Tony had shielded this from my family and me. By then I was twelve, and I swore to stay by his side and to be his personal assistant."

"So, you're not like us? You are actually human. That means you're pushing ninety." I wouldn't have taken him to be older than fifty or fifty-five.

He smiled. "Yes. My relationship with Tony has affected my aging process. I figure that my life span has doubled, maybe even more." He glanced down. "I have outlived my siblings and many of my nieces and nephews."

"I hope I'm not being too personal, but did you ever want Tony to turn you?"

"He offered, when I was at the peak of my life. But if I was like him then I would not be able to assist him during the day. I've always been his assistant. I don't want to live to see anyone else do the job."

I smiled in understanding. Their relationship was special. It wasn't Master/servant. Tony had been a father figure to Mei Wah, and as it sometimes happens, Mei Wah was now like a father to Tony.

He pressed his hands together in front of himself. "Miss Kim, if I may be so bold, I know that you don't know Tony very well and that this may be a strange journey for you. But Mr. Tony has never allowed a woman to live here other than Kaniji. You may not understand this, but having a liege creates an incredibly strong bond. If you ever feel doubt then you can examine that link because it will never lie to you."

The link won't lie to me. I nodded in appreciation.

Mei Wah opened the living room door and led me to Tony.

He sat in the wingchair looking sharp in a pair of black linen pants and a black sweater with a zipper neck. For easy access? His jewelry appeared to be platinum.

Mei Wah excused himself, and Tony stood.

"Is black all you wear?" I joked.

"It fits my mood most times." He gestured to me. "You do that outfit more justice than the model did."

I smiled. "Thanks. The entire wardrobe that you bought for me was a bit of a surprise."

He took my hand and kissed the back of my fingers. I felt a surge of electricity coursing through me. Did this arrangement make us a couple? Well, I didn't sign on for that. I would need more time before I went that route. I slipped my hand from his, and instead of sitting in the wingchair, I sat on the couch furthest from him.

I was more than a Third generation Vampire. I could handle a crucifix. I could say holy words. Tony and I weren't the same. I wasn't ready to confess that to him nor was I ready to jump head-over-heels into a romance. I wanted to play it close.

"So what is this about teaching me to deal with my hunger?" I asked.

He grinned. "You will need to find a willing human donor."


"The sooner the better. You seem to need blood at least every other day. You'll need to start the selection process because it sometimes takes time to find the right people."

I stood and paced. I so didn't want to do this. Once the hunger was gone the idea of sucking on people's necks lost its appeal. And besides, it was sexual for me. I mean, if I couldn't go out and suck Brad Pitt's neck or Morris Chestnut's neck, it was all no better than a one-night stand. Hell, satisfying a bloodlust was turning out to be no different than satisfying sexual lust. I don't go out on the street looking for just anybody to scratch that itch with. How could I be expected to search for people for the purpose of sucking their blood?


I looked over at him, putting aside my thoughts.

"Last night ..."


He looked at me closely. "You spoke a holy word. I know that you were gripped with the bloodlust and didn't know what you were doing, but it almost didn't seem to hurt you to say it."

My mind worked quickly. "I didn't look like I was in pain? Tony, I don't know what hurt worse, saying ... the name or the hunger."

He nodded. "We all do it in the beginning. Once. There is a belief among the Neratomay that Thirds cannot be trusted, and not just because they have no instinct. Some believe that certain Thirds can retain their human abilities. Meaning that if they are not restricted by the same abilities that Masters and Seconds are, then these special Thirds could be even more powerful than other Vampires."

My head began to swim. "And what's so bad about that?"

"Politics, baby, purely politics. Now ..." He stood and offered me his hand. "Shall we?"

"Where are we going?" I asked while placing my hand into his.

"I'm taking you out for dinner. "He led me out of the house. This time there was a Jag waiting in the driveway. It was cream and chromed out. Very nice.

"Tony? How many cars do you have?" And how much money? And where/who did it come from?

He smirked.