Chapter 44

He straightened up. "I've been thinking about this a lot. Tony told you that you can shield yourself, hide your glow after feeding and cloak yourself so that you can't be read. It's something they do intuitively. But I think it's something you should be able to teach yourself. Then maybe when you feed, you won't feel everything so strongly." He shrugged. "Not that I mind for myself, but since I have to share you, I've been thinking about self-meditation techniques that might help."

"I think I understand. How would it work?"

"After I'd made my first million, I was under quite a bit of stress."

"You're first million?" I said.

"Well, yeah." He at least had the nerve to look sheepish when he said it. "I started to meditate. I even spoke to a guru. He taught me that if you can make your mind blank, then you can build whatever ideas or concepts into it. You said that Tony told you that feeding wasn't about sex unless you chose it to be."