Chapter 62

The wall disappeared, and the Council of the Elders was staring at me. I looked at my empty hand. Alexis was not holding it. He had not physically moved. I could have sworn that we were actually enclosed in that wall ...

Alexis' voice broke a short silence. "Kim. It has been determined that you did not knowingly offer to exchange places with Tige Lafayette in order to save yours and his life. It has been further determined that your request to replace him has been accepted. Furthermore, a punishment of death is required."

I squared my shoulders and tried to be strong. I'd killed enough Vampires to know that death was quick. A few moments of discomfort and then this nightmare would be over.

"Thank you," I said with a strong voice.

Alexis' eyes wavered from red but settled to black.

"Kim Russell," the black woman Vampire said, "you know that you would have earned a seat on the Elder's Council if you had lived."

I looked at her. "Ma'am, I don't think I would have lived that long."