Chapter 84

I blew out a long breath. Just as I had lowered my shields to Alexis, I closed off my link to Tony. Now was not the time to think about him. And I didn't want him knowing what I was doing. Let him wonder. As cold as that sounded, I didn't want to take a chance of him interfering.

Julie, who had been to Spain many times, was driving. She had a nose for our location and used her Vampire senses to find it. We didn't worry about the police pulling us over thinking that a kid was driving. Any cop stupid enough to pull us over would get a hypnotic suggestion to make him think he was something ridiculous like a mime or an orangutan.

The paved road turned to rocks then dirt. Before long there were only grass and weeds under our wheels. When we started coming up on trees, Julie pulled over. She stowed the keys in the glove compartment.