Chapter 107

"What the fuck? What the fuck does that mean? Are you like a giant hairy dog? Or do you look like Lon Chaney?"

He rubbed my arms. "I'm not quite sure. It's only happened twice, and I wasn't near a mirror. Sometimes I feel like a wolf but still like a man and other times…I don't feel like me at all. I hunt like a wolf." His eyes looked distant as he stared at some spot beyond me. "We were in a pack. We chased down small animals. I wasn't skilled enough to drop big game like the others."

"Others? Please tell me everything. How did this happen?" I couldn't even form all of the questions I had.

He led us to the bed, and we sat facing each other. As he held my hands, I could feel this current coming from his body, something I didn't recognize and hadn't felt in anyone else.