Chapter 135

I sat on the front stoop and gave in to my tears. It hurt to cry and it hurt not to. I pictured Monica with her long blond hair up in a hasty ponytail poring over legal documents and fine-tuning even the smallest errors. The memory of Tyler's easy laughter and her intricate tattoos brought sobs ripping from my throat. I missed Julie with her little hands and serious expressions. But my Tige, my Tige who I had burned for, risked my life for, my Tige who had been taken so easily away from me.

I covered my mouth and tried to press my tears back inside. I was rocking and dizzy with my grief when I felt someone beside me.

I thought it would be Tony.

But it was Ran.

His eyes were hollow and dark. He pulled me into his arms, and I collapsed into him and didn't try to hold back my sorrow. I cried and wailed and gripped Ran to me while he absorbed everything I had to give him.

"Julie," I whispered. "Julie …" I must have said her name a hundred times while Ran held on to me.