Chapter 154

Sam touched her neck in a distracted way while she watched me. The skin there was a bit red in the spot where my chin had made contact with the silver. Thankfully it hadn't burned her.

She dismissed my concern with a slight shake of her head. "It doesn't hurt. I'll be fine, but what about you? May I see your chin?"

I didn't want her to see it, but this was the first step to complete honesty so I lowered my hand with a slight grimace. It still hurt. It was the nature of silver toward the Neratomay. Silver was like an acid. It took a while to stop actually burning even when the silver was no longer in direct contact with Neratomay flesh. Accidental contact with silver maimed countless vampires each year. It took mere moments to lose a limb to the deadly metal. However, a limb lost to silver would eventually regenerate. I was proof of that.