Chapter 165

Monica stood, and her chair hit the floor. Her face grew fierce. "I said I am innocent, and you will not threaten my sire!"

Keada picked up the sword that lay across the table. She would use it to behead Monica—I'd seen her do it to other rogues.

"I will make this quick, my beauty." Then Keada leaped across the table swinging her sword with almost impossible speed.

I tried to scream "Wait!" but before the words could leave my mouth, Monica flung something at Keada. It glinted through the air and hit her in the face. A flash of light and the sound of sparks filled the air, and Keada faltered and landed on the floor at Monica's feet, the sword skidding harmlessly across the floor.

Keada screeched and came to her feet, hands shielding her face. And then I saw what had struck her—Monica's crucifix.

There was a hiss as the other Council members reacted to the sight of the religious relic as well as to the smoking, screeching vampire who was darting blindly around the room.