Chapter 175

I flashed myself home well before Paul would arrive by motorcycle. I would hear the Wolf Pack's motorcycles long before they reached home. Tyler and Jason still lived in the small cottage behind ours. It was cozy but adorable for the two of them, and it allowed them free reign over the lands to hunt and bay at the moon without garnering the attention of curious neighbors.

I checked in on BJ who slept through the night now. The sound of her breathing calmed my frazzled nerves. I sent my trusted human aid home. She was one of the first ever to utilize a safe house and was now a true willing donor to a young vampire whose turning had been sanctioned only this year.

I resisted the urge to pick BJ up and feel her weight in my arms, to listen to the regular beats of her heart, to smell her baby scent and to feel the soft brush of her blond curls. After closing her door, I went to my bedroom and washed away the makeup and then changed into lounging pajamas.