Chapter 183

"What in the hell is wrong with you two?"

Since they were stranding on opposite sides of the room, I had to keep swiveling my head back and forth.

"We're fighting for our lives and you two are acting like teenagers trying to flex your muscles!"

"You know what is going on better than anyone else," Alexis replied in a chilly voice. "And therefore you should know that if anyone hurts you then I will hurt him." His eyes filled with darkness as they turned totally black. "I will not apologize for that. So perhaps you should remember that fact whenever you feel the need to engage in deadly sex play."

His words served to completely squash my anger. "I …" I blew out a resigned breath. "You're right. I apologize for my part—"

"Fuck that!" Paul interrupted, pushing off the wall. "You don't apologize for what we do together--not to him, not to anyone!" His eyes were yellow and his hair was nearly standing on end. "As long as you're my wife, we will make love any way that we choose!"