Chapter 321

Yes, tomorrow will be the beginning or the end.

When we rose the next morning, I contacted my Council. They were playing it cool, and there were no new developments.

"Any messages from Monica," I asked Alexis.

"None." Alexis looked calm and serene while Ran and I were nervous wrecks. "I've tried to locate Athena, but there has been no answer."

"Why?" I asked. "You don't think you and Ran might have accidentally…"

"No," Alexis said. "She hasn't met her final death. Besides, she wouldn't come to me masquerading as a Rector. She despises them, probably even more since being imprisoned. I want to locate her body so that I can free her."

"I don't know if I can handle Athena and Epic Cu all at once," I said.

"You're not still afraid of her, are you, my love? Athena fully approves of you."

"She approves of my power," I said. "It's funny how she knew even before I did that there was something more to me…"