"If the minorities stayed on their own side of the tracks then everything would be fine and I wouldn‘t have any problems with them. But them uppity ones feel like they should challenge the whites, the president, the police, this country with their ‘Black Lives Matters‘ and their kneeling during the anthem! It‘s bullshit! Quiet as it‘s kept, the president‘s got an agenda. He then told us all when he said Make America great again. Before him the United States was heading down the shitter. But President Donald J. Trump knew what needed to be done to make America Great again. They can make fun of him all they want—just like they look down on me and mine, but in the end they gonna fear me. They gonna fear us!" Sully pounded his chest.
Riley watched is cousin. He was beyond saving. There was nothing that he could say or do that could change the deep hatred that Sully and people like him felt. He shook his head and opened his door.