"Race is a big deal, especially in this day in age."
"It can be. But it doesn‘t have to be between us." He said.
She thought about her next words. "Did race play a role in why you broke it off with Jasmine?"
"No," he said. "I was just a dick." He rubbed the beard of his chin and looked off into the distance. "When I really understood that my careers as a football player was over, I pulled away from everything that reminded me of those dreams. I told myself that she would be better off without me, but if I‘m honest with myself, I just didn‘t want to be reminded of all that I would never be." He met Stella‘s eyes.
"You asked me if I loved her. I did. But I was young and stupid. I thought that everything important about myself was lost with my knee injury. I didn‘t think a woman like her would want a man like me, not when I didn‘t have anything to offer."