Brian? What was he talking about? Brian didn't cut up, he didn't have an ego, and he was polite to everyone. Marcus placed a hand on her shoulder and she glanced at it in displeasure but didn't otherwise react.
"Let me explain something. Brian is an addict. I mean, I know that I come in here high as shit but that's weed or some pills. Hell, if I didn't come in here high I would go the fuck off on one of these silly mother fuckers over the phone." He chuckled and leaned in and spoke in a conspiratorial tone. "And to be honest, I have told a few of these hillbillies to go to hell."
Hayden just stared at him.
"Yeah, well I don't mess with heroin… I might sniff some coke, but I don't shoot up. Anyway, Brian got himself hooked on heroin and shit started turning up missing. Phonebook covers weren't been distributed but he acted like he was delivering that shit. Then customers started complaining, threatening to sue because they were paying to advertise on vinyl that wasn't going further than the ten copies being sent to the buyer!
"So when Fox looked into it, he found out that Brian was doing hella shit like collecting money but saying the customer had 'dead-beated.' That's mail fraud and when you get into mail and wire fraud that kind of thing brings mandatory prison sentences. Federal prison, which ain't no joke."
"Wait a minute, Marcus," Hayden said in disbelief. "Why would Mr. Fox keep a drug addict and thief around?"
Marcus gave her a surprised look. "Brian Fox. Uh, you didn't know that he's the boss' son?"
After a stunned moment, Hayden simply shook her head.
Marcus pulled out a cigarette and lit up. "Well, there was a big trial over it and it practically wiped out Fox Vinyl. The only reason that Brian didn't go to jail is because of burden of proof. Fox didn't have to prove that he distributed thirty-thousand covers… they had to prove that he didn't."
Hayden was shaking her head, still staring at Marcus as if he had just told her that a cow was seen jumping over the moon.
"But Marcus… why would Mr. Fox let him come back here? I mean-"
"Because Fox is a good guy; a stupid guy, but a good guy. I would have kicked that spoiled little mother fucker's ass. You don't steal from your own father. You don't shit where you eat."
Hayden's nose wrinkled at his choice of words.
"Brian went to rehab." Marcus laughed. "Do you know anybody that's ever gone to rehab and stayed clean? Rehab is a fucking joke. You do it when you get busted and as soon as you get out, you're right back shooting, or huffing or snorting.
"Fox makes him pee in a cup. He said the first time it comes back dirty he's going to cut the kid off—permanently this time. No money. No Fox Vinyl to run when the old man dies. Nothing."
Hayden shook her head sadly. "I had no idea."
Marcus gave her a look as if she was pretty dumb. "You don't know what a heroin addict looks like? Why do you think Brian wears long-sleeved shirts in summer? Fox don't keep it that cool in here!"
Hayden ran her hand though her hair. "Uh Marcus, thanks for the information. I better head out. See you tomorrow." She turned for her car.
"Hey! You know if you need anything, just let me know."
Hayden stopped walking and turned around. "Marcus, I understand. You've made it really clear, okay?"
He chuckled. "Yeah. See you tomorrow baby girl." He began whistling as he headed for his own car.
Hayden felt horrible at the information that she'd just learned. Brian was a heroin addict who had stolen from his father. Damn, she was a great judge of character.
Early Saturday morning, Hayden arrived at Sharon Woods Park before Todd. He had warned her that today they would jog and she was both anxious and nervous. Other than what she did on the treadmill, Hayden had not run since she'd been a child. Images of twisted ankles and falling on her face filled her mind.
His son was coming along and hopefully it would take some of the focus off her. Hayden got out of her car when Todd's truck pulled up alongside of her car. He was apologizing.
"Sorry we're late. Somebody thought they were going out in public with their pants sagging."
Hayden stared at the boy that sheepishly stepped from the passenger side of the truck. He was Black. Todd's son was Black? Hayden quickly wiped the surprised look from her face and greeted the boy.
"Hi Kevin. Nice to meet you."
"Kevin this is Miss Michaels."
"Hi Miss Michaels," came his polite response.
Todd put his arm on the boy's shoulder and it was obvious that Kevin enjoyed the attention. He was cute, probably ten or eleven and was dressed in cargo shorts and a South Park t-shirt.
"Okay, we're going to warm up with five minutes of fast walking and then we'll start a slow jog. Are we ready team?" He clapped his hands and Kevin nodded enthusiastically.
"I'm ready to run," Kevin announced. "I don't need to walk."
Todd shook his head as they headed across the street to the trail. "No, Kev. Didn't anybody ever tell you that you have to walk before you run?"
Kevin looked at him suspiciously. "No."
"Well, you do."
Hayden took in their interaction. So Todd's wife was African-American? He had never even hinted to it! She found it very telling that Todd didn't even think in terms of his family's color enough to even mention it casually. If it was possible, she found that she liked Todd even more now…
It turned out that there was something about jogging that was comfortable and rhythmic. Hayden didn't discover this until she had hit the proverbial 'wall' and was seeking her second wind. Kevin ran like a kid with boundless energy. Todd jogged as if he was just walking. Yet for Hayden, jogging wasn't as much running as it was stumbling, panting and gripping the sharp knife-like pain in her side.
When she thought that she would have to give up and lay down in the dirt, Hayden's lungs suddenly opened. She gulped air into her starving lungs and as dopamine began to flood her system, she felt herself moving a bit faster and smoother. When she caught up with Todd he looked at her with approval. They jogged at a steady pace until they reached a hill that finally stopped her. She planted her hands on her legs and tried to catch her breath.
Todd jogged back to her. "Keep walking or you'll stiffen." She did as he advised and a moment later began jogging again; albeit much slower, but this time she didn't stop until she reached the top of the hill.
Both Todd and Kevin were waiting for her at the top and when she finally reached them they applauded. She turned around and looked at how far she had come. She had come a very long way.