Chapter 49: It Was A Good Day, Part 2

of Reckoning

"I am still bloated from yesterday's dinner." Bill said as he lounged on his couch, legs propped up on the arm while his head rested on two cushions.

James was in the reclining chair staring at a football game on the television set with the volume off. I doubt if I was the only one who didn't know what teams were playing because James was staring blankly.

I was standing in the entrance of the kitchen watching Bill and thinking to myself that I needed to get far away from the kitchen because there were knives there…

James abruptly rose to his feet and stood above Bill, who looked up at him lazily. I joined James, and we both stared down at Bill.

Bill sat up slowly. "What?"

"You sent us back here," I said.

"What?" Bill's eyes raced between us.

"Don't act as if you don't know!" I snapped. "Just have some common decency and spare us your lies."

Bill's mouth gaped open. "What in the hell are you talking about, Kenya?"