Chapter 25

He squinted and thought about it. "We'll negotiate on that one." He ordered another cup of coffee, and they talked about the city and the weather until Martier finished her dinner. He paid the check, and they went to a nearby grocery store.

They lingered at the grocers, trying to time it so that they would arrive at the nun's apartment by eight. They were a bit early and waited in the car.

"Tim." She turned in her seat to face him, and her dark eyes were bright. "Thank you for everything." They filled his trunk with enough food for both of them, so much food that she didn't think it would all fit!

He was clearly uncomfortable as he stammered out some response about it not being any trouble. He thought that if anyone should be thanked it would be Corrine because without her influence he would have never thought to do something like this. And besides, it was worth it to see the light return to Martier's brown eyes.