Chapter 31

She located cleaning supplies in the pantry. There weren't any dirty dishes so she wiped everything down and mopped the floor. The house was so quiet. It was late in the morning and she decided that she had better find Tim and determine if it was okay for her to clean the rest of the house. As she went up the stairs she began to worry that he might not be alone.

After all, he was a single man. She had used a key to get in. He didn't know she was here. This was a recipe for disaster. She turned to head back down the stairs when she heard the toilet flush from his attached bathroom. She decided to stand at the bottom of the stairs and let him know that she was here.

"Tim? It's Martier."

After a moment Tim's bedroom door opened and he shuffled to the top of the stairs and peered down at her. He was dressed in jeans and a shirt, but they looked as if he had slept in them. He rubbed his face, his hair had fallen into his eyes, and he rubbed his hands through it.
