Chapter 46

Dhakiya was grinning. "I was wondering when you would ask me about making love."

Martier was embarrassed but she was more curious than ashamed of the topic.

"It's like when you touch yourself but magnified by three, no ten!"

Martier's expression was open and accepting, but a crease had formed between her eyes.

Dhakiya sat up. "Sis, don't tell me that you still have not touched yourself?"

Martier looked back at the house to make sure Tim was nowhere in sight. She whispered, "How can I when Sister Callista is always there?"

The older woman stared at her. "You're telling me that you've never masturbated?"

"Shh!" She looked around, embarrassed. "No," she whispered again. Not intentionally anyways. But since kissing Tim, sometimes when she relived it, her body would throb. And sometimes the feeling would become so intense that she would lose her breath and would have to press her thighs together until it stilled.