Chapter 49

Tim returned well after midnight, and try as she might, she couldn't fall asleep until she heard his car. When she looked at the clock, her stomach fell. She realized that this had not been a casual date. Tim had court the next day, and to get back so late meant that he'd be tired. Everything revolved around court—being prepared, having his suits back from the laundry, getting lunch brought in so that he could concentrate on the case … and being rested.

Squeezing her eyes closed she chastised herself. You should have never worn that bathing suit. You should have never tried to entice him. He isn't meant for you. Someone else has already claimed this man, and he has claimed her. She rubbed away the last few tears that seeped from her tightly closed eyes and tried to sleep.

The next morning she checked for puffy red eyes and then waited for Tim to drive up to her cottage so that she could dash out before he blew the horn. When she heard his engine, she put on her game face.