Chapter 56

The partners decided that Karl would have to pack up and leave with a referral for a position at Hardwick, Lyons, and Pumpernell that would surely earn him a better salary. Karl also had to play ball and sign a not-so-standard non-compete contract stipulating that he wouldn't take any clients or sue anyone from the firm.

As Martier got into Tim's car later that day, she couldn't keep from smiling. She peeked at him and found his face peaceful.

"Martier, do you know how to drive?" Tim asked.

What a question. Where did that come from? "Yes. I have a driver's license. Why?"

"I left my bike parked in Kentucky. I want you to drive my car back home while I drive the bike back."

Martier twisted her fingers. "I haven't driven in years, Tim."

He smiled, leaned forward, and kissed her lips lightly. "You drive." He got out of the car while she was still breathless from the kiss.

She exchanged places with him and sighed.

He winked. "You'll be fine."