Chapter 65

Martier understood what Claudette had meant about New York being a time for special bonding. She had never had so much fun in her life! She had laughed a lot and walked until her feet were sore but could have continued walking for another hour as long as Tim was with her.

"Martier," he said after they returned to their room, "do you mind if I invite the Marx's to dinner with us tomorrow?"

"I don't mind." Elaina had seemed honestly sorry, and Martier knew that it would make Tim happy to spend time with his friends. She also felt somewhat bad about not inviting her to join them at the spa, though it really wasn't her place to do so.

"Are you sure? Because if you're even a little bit uncomfortable …"

"No, I'm not." She slipped off her shoes and sank onto one of the couches, sighing in pleasure.