Chapter 83

"Yes," Amber said.

"That man knows how to keep you busy," Martier said.

Amber looked up and smiled. "I know, right?" She closed her electronic tablet and looked at Lindewe. "Who do we have here?"

Martier did the introductions and they began eating their sandwiches, which Martier had purchased. She didn't want Lindewe to have to use any of her money until she had received her first check.

It took a few minutes, but Lindewe soon warmed up and began talking about the clerical pool and how fast everyone typed. With a shy smile she boasted that she was one of the fastest.

Two secretaries joined them, and Lindewe warmed up to them, too. Martier smiled to herself. Someone should have been there to do this for her. She would need to talk to Sister Louise about starting a mentoring program for the younger girls. There was no reason they should wait until they were eighteen.