Chapter 85

Martier said a silent prayer for forgiveness for telling the small white lie. Then she pulled out her earth tone makeup and set about fixing the damage to Linda's pretty face. She found a clip and pinned up the weave until it wasn't so obvious, allowing a few strands to fall about the girl's shoulders. After work, she vowed to take Linda shopping for shoes, underwear, and her own makeup. Being a mentor was becoming expensive, but Martier didn't truly mind.

When she got home that night, she was surprised to see the light on in Tim's house. He'd been working at the office until nearly 10 p.m. every night for nearly a week. She parked his Cadillac in the garage and then eyed the truck before entering the house.


"In here, Martier."

She headed for his office and saw him swamped with work. "This is insane, honey. You need to delegate or leave some of this work until the new year."