Chapter 89

Tim stared at the cell phone and frowned. He had already called Martier five times over the course of the afternoon and evening with no response. What the fuck? Where was she? He had called the office, but no one had seen her since lunch. It was not like her to leave work without telling him. Even if he wasn't in the office, she would at least leave him a message telling him where she was going.

He pulled into his drive and drove past his house toward the cottage. The porch light was out—so she hadn't been home. He parked haphazardly and used his key to let himself in.

"Martier?" Of course she wouldn't be here. The Cadillac wasn't outside. He dialed her cell phone once again. "Hey baby, you need to call me right back. I'm worried." He disconnected, wrinkled his brow, and blew out a stressed breath.

He remembered her history on her telephone and scanned it until he came upon Dhakiya's phone number.


"Hi, Dhakiya, is Martier there?"

"Tim? No, she's not here."