Chapter 101

All this time Martier had done things that Corinne had done because she thought the other woman did it better—but that wasn't necessarily true. Martier smiled. "Well, let's get that coffee. Oh yeah, and my suitcase. My coat is in it, and I see that there is snow outside."

"Yes. We just got another two inches dumped on us."

Martier glanced out the large picture windows as snow flurries fell like confetti. This was Cincinnati. This was home. "It was very hot in Rwanda. I think I will relish the snow," she said quietly.

"I'm glad that one of us will." They walked arm-in-arm to baggage claim.

Later, after Martier had finished off an extra-large coffee and they had split a package of powdered sugar donuts, Tim's expression grew serious. "Martier, I put the house up for sale."
