The Angel God

Now that Airson was healed, all he had to do was wait for the god to make his move. He waited for three hours, maybe a little over.

Airson was sitting on Arbok City's outer wall when he saw a man walking up in the distance. A tall, greyish-white skinned man with no shirt and tight black pants with no shoes. He had short spiky white hair and eyebrows, green piercing eyes and was pretty tall, maybe six foot six or seven.

Airson hopped off the wall and flew towards him, about a thousand meters away.

Airson touched ground and watched.

It was Legion. He stopped moving. "Get out of my way."

Airson braced himself. "I will not."

Legion stared. His green eyes started glowing. "Then I will destroy you without a second thought."

Airson charged up into his Ultrasonic 5. He charged at Legion and unleashed a combo of lightning-charged quick attacks.

"Hm. Child's play." Legion was moving faster than Airson, blocking all of his attacks. He took a hold of Airson's throat and slammed him into the rocky ground with a loud crash.

Airson took both of his hands and grabbed Legion's wrist. He then started pouring electricity into it to try and make him release his hand.

Legion absorbed the lightning. He just stared at Airson with a blank, nonchalant expression. "Is this your lightning? The elements have no affect on my body." Legion picked Airson up by the neck and threw him into a large rock.

The boulder crumbled on impact.

Airson rushed back out of the rubble to attack once again.

Legion disappeared and reappeared above him, hitting Airson fifteen times in the back in three seconds before kicking him to the ground.

Airson stood back up. "His speed and power is insane. And he never even raised his energy... he's just warming up!"

Airson charged a purple sphere of energy between his hands. "Sen Kyoudan!!!" The blast shot out toward Legion.

"Emerald Water Shot."

Shining green water shot out of Legion's hand and overtook the attack with ease. The attack proceeded to hit Airson.

"Emerald water? How is that even possible?"

"It's possible because I am a god."

Airson stood back up again. "Super, Ultrasonic 5!!"

Legion held a hand up. "Power ups won't help you here."

Hundreds of small green spheres of spinning energy appeared, making up one large orb. Then the small spheres moved, forming a larger sphere with what looked like seven tentacles coming out of it. All made up of little spheres of energy. The result was massive. The tentacles moved as if they were alive.

It was an attack unlike anything Airson had ever seen.

Legion finished creating his attack. "Millennia Septa-Sphere." He lowered his arm. This sent the attack in motion.

Airson jumped back when it hit the ground, but it didn't detonate. Instead it was following him, the seven tentacle-like extensions breaking up the ground like it was swimming through water.

Airson made a gray ring in his hand. "Halo!!" He threw the halo at the mass, but it simply vanished. It had no effect on the attack at all.

Airson started flying up, so did the sphere.

"You can't outrun my Septa-Sphere. It will follow you until you touch it." Legion said.

"Sen Houdan!!" Airson sent a red blast towards the attack. But just like the halo, no effect.

The green tentacles swam through the red energy and kept moving.

Airson flew back to the ground. The attack was moving much faster now. "It looks like I'll have to take the blow. Come on Airson, take it like it's nothing!"

Airson braced himself.

Right before the sphere hit him, it vanished.

"Honestly. You were really just about to kill yourself. Hmph."

Airson looked over.

It was Neo who had gotten rid of the attack.

"Neo... you..." .

Neo crossed his arms. "I thought for a while about what you said earlier. I'll never be able to kill you no matter how strong I get. You mentioned that you had to get stronger to protect your friends. I realized that you aren't meant to die yet. So I won't let you."

Airson smiled. Then he looked worried. "But... what about your injuries?"

Neo's hair started glowing pink. "Who cares about mortal things like injuries? I'm a god killer. And I have a personal grudge against this one right here." Neo nodded towards Legion.

"You knew him?" Airson asked.

Neo nodded. "He was another experiment like me, only he was given way more power. He's part-angel part-god."

Airson was surprised. "Angel?!"

Legion took a deep breath. "So a two on one is it? A minor inconvenience. Allow me to showcase my true strength."

The ground started shaking. A green energy surrounded Legion. A white glow outlined his body.

"W-What is this?!" Airson exclaimed. Him and Neo braced themselves.

Two large white feathered wings grew out of Legion's back. "Let me introduce you to a heavenly power."

As Legion's wings unfolded, the shaking ground started to break apart, large pieces of earth floating mid-air because of the intense spiritual pressure.

"He's stronger than I thought he'd be..." Neo said.

The ground soon stopped shaking.

Neo and Airson looked at each other and nodded. They ran towards Legion, both attacking at the same time.

Legion flew back and flapped his wings, creating a huge gust of wind that knocked the two off balance.

Airson ran back in at light speed.

Legion couldn't catch up, Airson dug his elbow into his stomach.

Legion was knocked back, but no damage was done.

Then, behind Airson, Neo jumped in with his hand up. He opened his eye again, and Legion's Septa-Sphere was suddenly in Neo's hand.

Legion looked at it. "What? My technique..."

Neo then slammed the attack into Legion's body.

The Septa-Sphere exploded with a loud boom, crushing the ground beneath it, and setting off some intense wind pressure.

When the dust cleared, Legion was floating mid air where the explosion was. "So you didn't actually replicate my attack, you just got rid of it and made it your own. Well let me make this clear. My own energy can't harm me. I couldn't imagine being so weak to the point where it would."

Neo was breathing heavily.

"Like I thought. He's still tired from earlier. He won't be able to keep this up for long." Airson thought to himself.

Legion held two hands up. "Well since you like my Septa-Sphere so much, here's two more of them."

Airson's eyes widened. "Two?!!"

Sure enough, two identical Septa-Spheres were made above Legion. He threw them both.

Neo closed his left eye, then he reopened it. He held his hands out to the side. One of them appeared in his left hand. Then he got the other one by closing his right eye.

"You don't learn, do you?" Legion said.

"We'll see about that." Neo said back.

"Neo, you're straining yourself too much right now. You'll die at this rate!" Airson said.

Neo looked at him. "You got your Ultrasonic 5 by killing one god right? I thought you killed two."

Neo threw the Septa-Spheres at Legion at the same time.

Legion did not move. The explosion was twice as large this time, and there was dust and debris going everywhere.

Neo put his hands on the ground. "Kekku Kinku!!"

Pink lightning raced through the ground towards Legion. An explosion could be heard from inside the dust cloud. "I think... I got him..." Neo fell on his back, out of breath. He was exhausted.

Airson closed his eyes. "Concentrate. I don't feel a cap on my energy this time around. Just focus."

The dust cleared.

Legion was still unscathed. "Now I'm getting bored. I already mentioned that the five elements have no real effect on me. Hm? What are you doing?" He noticed Airson standing still with his eyes closed. "Powering up some more? Sure. Why not. I'll entertain it."

Legion folded his arms and waited mid air.

Soon, the ground started shaking again.

Legion was interested now. "Oh, his pressure increased dramatically. The previous form can't even compare."

All of Airson's lightning energy turned white. It glowed brighter as well. Like bolts of white fire. His hair and eyes began glowing a fiery, bright white.

When the ground stopped shaking, Airson looked at his hands. He could feel the lightning flowing through him freely now. It felt more like normal spiritual essence now even though it wasn't. "This is it. I've hit another cap. I can't get stronger than this right now. But this is insane compared to 5. The power of Ultrasonic 6."

Neo was looking at Airson from the ground out of one eye. He was too tired to fight.

Airson walked over to him.

"Your... power is nearly at his level already..." Neo said between breaths. "You were... the one meant to live after all."

Airson shook his head. "I'm not letting you die either, Neo."

Airson held out his hand. "You're my only brother in this world. We're fighting. Together."

Neo started laughing, coughing up blood at the same time. "Even after everything I've said and done to you... the fact that you're trying to keep me alive is something that I can't comprehend."

Neo sat up and managed to get on one knee. "But... I guess I'll stick around for a while longer."

Neo grabbed Airson's hand as he was pulled up.

A new surplus of energy entered Neo's body.

His hair turned white, and so did his eyes. His lightning turned white as well.

Neo stood up, feeling energized. "What is this? What just happened?"

Airson smirked. "Electric Surge. I gave you a jolt of energy to keep you moving. Since you had no energy left, you took on the same properties as mine."

Legion had a slight smile. "Alright, I'm done waiting." He spread his wings as if about to take flight, but then the white glow he had around him turned black. His power raised even more, breaking the ground apart beneath him. His green eyes turned matte black, and so did his hair.

"Now. Let's get started for real, shall we?"

Airson and Neo both prepared themselves.

Airson's face got serious. "Everything is resting on this fight. I refuse to lose to you!!"