The Start of a New Journey

Airson carried his brother's body to his house, where he was keeping Miraka.

He didn't go inside.

Instead he went to the backyard of the house and buried him in front of the only tree he had there.

He dug the dirt up himself and placed the body in the hole, then covered it up.

Airson set down a rock as a tombstone.

"A grave? For who?"

It was one of Airson's servants. She would tend to the garden often.

"My brother." Airson said. "You don't have to come back here again, I'm going away."

He placed his hands together in prayer.

"But what'll I do for work?" she asked.

Airson stood up. "You remember Niwea right? He's one of my friends. I haven't visited him in a while, I don't even know what to say to him... But I'm sure he'd hire you if you told him I sent you."

The servant bowed. "I am grateful to you."

Airson gave her a nod as he left.

Airson went to the queen's palace. The guards let him through without questioning this time. He walked straight into the Queen's Chamber.

"It's over." Airson said to her.

Emilia hugged him. "You don't know how relieved I am to see you alive."

She let him go. "I will heal you again immediately."

Emilia placed her hand on Airson's forehead. A soft green light glowed, signifying his health returning. His wounds closed and the blood disappeared.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Emilia gave him a slight bow. "So this is it? You are leaving now?"

Airson nodded. "But first, can I see Pachi and Nigel?"

"Certainly. I had my guards retrieve Nigel from his home and brought him here."

Emilia led Airson to a room in the back of the palace. Inside Pachi and Nigel were laying down, unconscious on their respective beds.

Airson stepped closer to them. "I promise you two. I'll bring you back. Count on it." He looked at Emilia. "If you can, put them somewhere in secret. If someone were to raid the palace, they'd be in danger. Put them someplace where no one will ever find them. Only the Royal Family should know."

The queen nodded. "Consider it done. But what about Miraka?"

Airson turned around. "She's safe there, trust me."

Airson left out. He gave Emilia a bow. "Thank you for everything these past few years. I learned a lot from being a Knight. It helped me as a person too."

Emilia smiled. "I should be the one thanking you. You've done a spectacular job as a member of the First Order. You will be forever welcome in this palace."

Airson walked out. Before he left he turned around. "Oh, and if you see Asnoth, tell him I'm sorry that we'll never get to settle the score. I hope he becomes someone this country can depend on."

Emilia nodded. "I will be sure to tell him."

Airson smiled. He ran away and headed for the forest where he met Rua.

He came to the same spot he was told to come to.

The stump that magically appeared the last time was still there, so he sat on it, waiting patiently.

After about fifteen minutes, the blocky white giant stepped out of the woods in front of him, not making a sound from his footsteps.

"You've returned." Rua said. "You've made up your mind I presume?"

Airson's face screamed determination. "Yes. I'm going with you." He bowed his head. "I will work harder than I ever have in my life."

Rua made a grunting noise. "I am glad to hear that. Come. Walk with me."

Rua turned back into the woods.

Airson followed him. They walked for a short while until Rua stopped.

"Are we here?" Airson asked.

"Not quite."

Rua waved his hand over a pile of rocks.

The stones magically started floating in the air, creating a large archway.

When the structure formed, a blue portal formed inside the archway's space.

Rua spoke. "Once you decide to step in, there won't be any leaving for five hundred years inside this realm, or 50 Earth years. Understand?"

Airson nodded. "Yes."

"Okay then, follow me."

Rua walked through the gateway.

The portal made a splashing sound, like water.

Airson closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He talked to himself.

"Okay. This is where it all starts. The journey to bring my friends back."

He opened his eyes again.

He walked through the portal.


The portal disappeared, and the rocks fell back into their pile, as if nothing was ever there.

- End of Volume 1 -