War Part One

Akasan and the others trained inside the facility for weeks.

Akasan started using the Simulator for battle practice and gravity training. His current limit was times twenty gravity.

Oftentimes Kuro would oversee his training instead of Kyo.

One day Akasan had just finished up his daily Simulator training.

Kyo came over and handed him a chokuto sword.

"What's this?" Akasan asked.

"It's a sword. You look like you'd be a good fit for it. Kuro's gonna be training you more often from now on."

Akasan drew the blade. It was an average sword, nothing special about it. Even still, it amazed Akasan to even own one. He swung it around some.

"First lesson."

Kuro had just walked through the doors. He walked onto the same platform as Akasan. "You should hold your blade with only your dominant hand. We aren't samurai. During battle, it will serve you better to favor speed in your sword attacks over power. You'll need your other hand for maneuvering, blocking, or attacking simultaneously."

Akasan held the sword in his right hand. He swung it. It was a much quicker swing.

"See now?" Kuro said.

Akasan nodded.

Kuro then drew his own blade. "Alright. Now attack me. Fight to kill, don't worry about me."

Akasan got into a stance. "Right!"

Kyo left the building.

It was already dark outside, but he had to meditate every night to get used to stopping his natural energy absorption.

He went to an empty grassy field to get some quiet. He sat there for more than ten minutes.

His hair once again turned black. He took a deep breath, then let out a grunt.

The wind around him shook violently.

Kyo's eyes became white and double ringed. They were the Mystic Eyes. They come from mastery over Mystic energy.

The next morning, Kyo was sound asleep in the middle of the plains, hair staying jet black as his new normal hair color.

He was awoken by the sounds of a blaring siren. It was heard across the entire city.

Kyo jumped up and looked around. He ran toward the city's main entrance.

The other Beta and above rank Knights were grouping together there, trying to figure out what was going on.

Mugen's voice boomed over the city's intercoms. "People of Arbok City! The day that we have been dreading for so long is now among us. We have confirmed that the enemy is closing in on Arbok City!. Approximately a hundred kilometers away from here southbound is an army of enemy soldiers. We currently do not know of their numbers, but they are marching this way. I ask that all citizens that do not classify as a Knight of the Beta, Alpha, and Omega Squadrons, or the Royal Guard, stay indoors at all costs. We put our people before anything else, and I promise you with my life that if any danger gets remotely near this city, action will be taken to evacuate to a safer location. As for the Knights, if you have all gathered at the main entrance to the city, then the highest ranked Knight available will lead you all into battle. I wish you good luck."

End transmission.

The highest ranked Knight in attendance was Kuro. He was the number one Omega. He turned to face everyone.

"Alright guys. Right now we don't exactly have the most information about our enemy. But I am sure of one thing; Naesrio won't show up first. Mugen said they spotted an army. That means our opponent has numbers. Our first assignment is to take out as many of them as possible. Got it?"

Everyone nodded.

"Let's go then."

They all immediately flew off.

After several minutes of flying, they saw the army.

There were thousands of soldiers.

One of the Alphas, Yasu, used his sight abilities to count the number of soldiers. "Kuro. There are exactly five hundred thousand of them."

Kuro scowled. "Tch. Half a million huh?" He looked at his squad. "Betas, take as many as you can on the left side, Alphas, you all do the same on the right side. Us Omegas should be able to wipe out more than half. Agaki, you should go with the Alphas."

Everyone split up into their sections.

Kuro dropped to the ground. He clapped his hands together. "High Voltage: Thunder God."

Kuro became covered in a cloak of white lightning. His skin was even white. His hair, eyes, and the inside of his mouth was blue. A blue halo with a gap at the top formed behind his head.

He pulled out his sword.

Kyo let out his Mystic form, a black cloak formed on him, his hair and eyes turned white.

Kuro looked at Kyo and nodded.

The army was made up what looked like humanoid lifeforms. The kind made in a lab. They were bio-engineered super soldiers.

"They aren't human." Kyo said.

"That just makes this easier."

Kuro moved quicker than the speed of sound. He dashed straight into the massive crowd. "Lightning Dance!!"

A super bolt of lightning that was thirty meters wide started moving through the sea of humanoids.

Kyo closed his eyes. "Space Skip." He disappeared and reappeared in the crowd. A black staff formed in his hands. He swung it around.

A black wave of energy pulled in about fifty humanoids.

Kyo swung his staff the other way around.

A crater formed, as white energy blasted them all away. "God Staff. A weapon that can control the elements and direct my own energy."

Tenma clapped his fists together. His eyes and hair burned red. He ran into the army of humanoid soldiers. He unleashed a flurry of supercharged punches that could take out a hundred enemies every few seconds. He also used his fire to cause burn damage.

Maki took a deep breath. "We better get in there."

Ako smiled and nodded. "I've actually been waiting to try out some new moves!!" She flew in the air and dashed towards the crowd. Red energy enveloped her. A fifty foot tall axe formed in her hands. She swung it down with a crashing boom, taking out hundreds in one swing. Then she turned the axe into two giant rocket launchers. "Watch out below!!" she yelled.


Another thousand enemies wiped out.

Maki's eyes glowed green. The earth around her started building up over her until she was a hundred foot tall giant made of rock and green energy. "Earth Golem!"

Maki stomped her foot. A wave of earth knocked over a horde of humanoids. She controlled the rocks that came up, easily wiping away enemies.

On the other hand, Akasan's group wasn't doing too well.

The other Betas weren't nearly strong enough to take out so many enemies at once, and even Akasan with his Crimson Fire and his sword could handle maybe fifty to a hundred by himself.

There were just so many of them.

Akasan couldn't even see or sense his teammates anymore. "Why didn't Kuro send one of the Omegas with us?! We're all gonna die at this rate!!"

The soulless humanoids let out disturbing moans as their superhuman strength and overwhelming numbers took out everybody around Akasan.

The Betas were completely wiped out.

Akasan kept on fighting. He was getting overwhelmed by himself. "I can't take this for much longer!!"

"Don't worry! I've got you covered!!"

Akasan looked over, he saw a large golden wheel. He recognized it. It was Narumi's Kodak Magic.

A powerful golden beam shot out of it, taking out five hundred humanoids immediately.

She kept firing, clearing off a decent portion of the enemies.

Then a tornado started whirling through the crowd, taking a thousand humanoid bodies with it, destroying them all.

Akasan finally made it into an open space, he was trying to catch his breath. The tornado stopped in front of him.

He smiled. "Mugen!!"

Mugen gave him a reassuring smile. "The princess insisted on fighting. She was worried you all weren't enough. I'm sure she feels responsible for sending mere teenagers to their deaths. But as head of the Royal Guard, I have a duty to keep the princess safe!"

Akasan caught his breath. "I thought I was gonna die out here."

Mugen patted him on the back.

He returned to his onslaught of the humanoids with his tremendous wind strength. "He just watched all of his comrades die. Yet he's keeping a cheery tune. A strong heart he has." Mugen thought to himself.

Akasan drew out more crimson fire. He started taking down some more enemies.


Somewhere within the Holy Realm, Naesrio sat on a throne in a dark room.

A timid man walked into the room. He bowed to Naesrio. "U-Um, the battle between the Bio-Humans and the humans has commenced."

Naesrio looked at him. "What's the status?"

"Oh, o-of course, u-um... we are losing. B-badly, actually."

Naesrio stood up. "What?! Do they have a god on their side?!"

The man got scared by Naesrio's outburst. "A-Ah, n-no... they're all h-h-humans."

Naesrio growled and sat back down. "Send my brother to the battlefield. And send Necra too while you're at it."

The man quickly left the room after bowing twice. "Y-Yes! Right away my lord!"

Naesrio scowled into the darkness. "Those humans... they think they're going to win against me. Not over my dead body."


As Akasan and Mugen were taking out Bio-Humans with Narumi as cover, a black beam shot into vicinity.

A man was suddenly above the Bio-Humans floating in the air. He was clearly a god. He had jet black skin with a headdress on and traditional clothing, similar to Anubis. His eyes were blue. He landed on the ground and waved a staff that had a circle at one end.

A black wave of energy swept through.

Thousands of humanoids died instantly, falling to the ground.

Akasan, Narumi and Mugen were in shock at his power.

The man spoke in a serious manner. "I am Necra. I shall serve as you humans' opponent in the name of Naesrio."


Meanwhile, Kuro's group had taken down a total of roughly 355,000 humanoids.

Maki came out of her golem. She caught her breath.

Kuro chuckled.

"What?" Kyo asked.

"Look at you, keeping up with me."

Kyo smiled. "Of course, I'm stronger than you."

"In your dreams."

Not long after, a pink blaze of energy crashed to the ground.

Everyone looked to find out the source of the crash.

Ryuga stood up with a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey humans! Let's play for a while!"

"Kyo..." Kuro looked at him.

"Yeah I know. He's far from weak. His energy is insane."

Ako shrunk her gigantic sword and rested it on her shoulder.

Tenma covered his fists and forearms with rocks. Between the cracks were lava.

"Are you, Naesrio?" Tenma asked.

Ryuga looked at him confusingly then broke out in laughter. "What? No, not at all! My name is Ryuga, I'm Naesrio's baby brother."

Maki was shivering. "T-This guy's just the little brother? His energy reserves..."

Kuro looked back at her, concerned.

Maki had a heightened sense of energy sense.

If Maki was spooked then that meant something was seriously wrong here. She pointed to the left. "There's another large energy signature that way. It's another god."

Kyo grit his teeth. Akasan was that way. "Kuro, we gotta finish this and get to Akasan."

Kuro charged his white lightning. "Yeah I know that, but let's put our trust in him. I'm pretty sure Mugen and Narumi are over there too. He'll be okay, at least for now. Let's focus on this one." Kuro said, knocking out a few more Bio-Humans.

Kyo nodded.

Ryuga started stretching. "You guys done talking? Let's get started!"