The Origin Pt. III

Akasan sat alone in the white room. He sat down with the Origin in his hands. He closed his eyes and started glowing with Sirius energy. "Maybe somehow I can revive what's left of the energy inside..."

The core started to glow with the same blue as Akasan. It hovered above his palms.

Akasan frowned. "I don't feel anything... let's try crimson fire."


Akasan switched to his crimson flame.

The core glowed red now. Soon it started glowing brighter and brighter until Akasan could no longer see. The core exploded with energy and swallowed Akasan up inside.


Akasan woke up in an unknown place. He was sitting on a wooden bench inside a white building. He looked around. "A church...?"

There was nobody inside of the church with him, only a tall statue of a woman.

"You don't look like him." A feminine voice said.

Akasan looked around him. "Who said that...?!"

"I did."