The Mission, Part X

Gida, Makoto, and Kyoda were dashing through the snow field with Jean following close behind.

Gida looked at Makoto. "Security's a bit light, don't you think?"

"I wouldn't be surprised." Kyoda said. "During wartime, it's not unusual for forces to be spread out. Sometimes that results in a lack of protection for the main base. But in this case..."

Makoto and Gida looked at him. "What...?"

Kyoda frowned. "I don't think Nyx is worried about anyone coming for her."

Jean sped up some to catch up. "This Nyx... is she someone important?"

Everyone looked at her. "You don't know?" Makoto asked.

Jean shook her head. "No, not at all."

"She's the queen of this country. She wants to take over the world. That's the best way I can put it."

"So we're going to fight her?"

"No! Not if we can avoid it... at least. We're just looking for Kyoda's family."

"Oh, I see. What about you two? Where are your families?"

Gida's face fell. "My family was killed from the Civil War back in Britannia."