New World

Princess Narumi walked through the palace corridors. She went to the Queen's Chamber, where Athena was talking with Gida, who was clearly older than before. He was wearing a black cloak, with black and red clothing underneath.

Narumi smiled. "Gida, you're back! How did your mission go?"

"Pretty well, all things considered. I heard the big news, congratulations." He gave her a short bow.

"Oh, don't bow. You've been enough help around here."

Gida chuckled. "I'm just trying to do my part, it's what he would've wanted."

Athena smiled. "Everyone's been doing an amazing job. This city's doing better than ever before."

Gida turned to leave. "I'll see you two again soon."

Narumi waved. "Of course!" She watched him go through the doors. "He's become so dependable. Nothing like the brat he was at first."

"Well, kids grow up." Athena said. "That's what they do."

Narumi opened the chamber's door. "I'm going out, I'll be back later."

Athena waved. "Take your time."