Ripple Effect, Part Four

One of the men in Mint's audience spoke up. "Why are you two fighting?! There's no need for this!"

The rest of the crowd generally agreed.

Mint smiled for them. "This is merely a friendly bout between gods. Fear not."

The floating building slowly descended back to the ground.

Mint was astounded. "You can control gravity too?"

Akasan watched his arm as he slowly waved it around. "He won't be able to freeze me anymore. I can control the humidity and temperature of the air around me." He disappeared, then reappeared behind Mint. "Don't try anything funny. Let me show you something."

Mint looked back. "Huh? What are you talking abou—"


Akasan grabbed his shoulder and vanished along with Mint.

Mint opened his eyes. He was falling towards a rocky ground from over 20,000 feet in the air. "Wha—?! I'm falling!!" He reached out his hand. He created a cushion of wind that allowed him to gently touch the ground.