Aftermath 2

Bell led the raid party back to Malemar after two days of walking.

One of the guys stretched. "Ahh, it feels so good to be back home! I'm never going on a raid again!"

"Fools." Iba muttered under his breath.

Bell pushed open the doors to the Shikari guild.

The people inside gasped. "No way!!" "Mr. Iba, you cleared the dungeon?!"

Iba ignored their questions and walked up to the main desk. "The dungeon's been cleared."

"You all did a wonderful job, it seems that you've had a hard time."

"Hard is an understatement."

"What's this, what's this? The great Jägerghas Iba? Clothes torn and glasses missing? Was the dungeon too hard for you all?"

A vein pulsed on Iba's forehead out of irritation. Nicolaus had his arm draped over his shoulder.

"Nicolaus. What an unpleasant surprise."

"Aww, don't be like that, Number Two! Your big brother is just really concerned about you!" He pinched Iba's cheek.

Iba shoved him away. "Disgusting. Get away from me."