The Key to All That Exists

Rhea called out. "Tiamat! It's me, Rhea! Get me out of this! Giovanni is a traitor!"

Gio looked down at her. "Be quiet…!"

Tiamat looked at them. "Giovanni?" She looked at Isis. "Ah. I see. Then, we'll kill the three of you too."

Rhea's eyes widened. "What?! Why me?!"

"No reason. You're just… in the way."

Isis put her hands on her hips. She chuckled a little, looking away. "So this is the end, huh…"

Gio angrily stepped up to her. "No, this isn't the end! We'll find a way out!"

Isis chuckled some more. "Gio. There isn't a way out. The twelve Noble Dragons are right here, and we've been marked for dead. This place is inaccessible from the outside world. Only Jiaotu can make a gateway in or out. So our only option is to lay down and die, or die fighting."

"SHUT UP!!" Bell yelled. "I'm the one that caused this, so I'm going to finish it. The Noble Dragons were my real targets anyway. You Heavenly Thrones were just bait."